Secondary Landing Page

The Crawford Academic Skills team provides support and resources to help students develop and strengthen the academic and research skills needed for graduate study.

Students can book an appointment with an Academic Skills Adviser for an individual consultation about their academic writing and skills development.

Workshops on specific assessment tasks are run across semester in conjunction with course convenors. These workshops aim at both improving general argument and writing skills and also at focusing students' attention on the key aspects of the relevant assessment task.

Details about upcoming workshops can be found on the Crawford Academic Skills Wattle site.

There is a specialist Academic Skills Adviser for Crawford PhD students.

Resources for Crawford students

Crawford approach to referencing
The Crawford school encourages the use of the Australian Government Style Manual Author-Date style for assessment tasks undertaken for Crawford courses. Information on how to apply the AGSM Author-Date style can be found on our Wattle site.

Crawford Academic Skills Handbook
The Crawford Academic Skills team maintains an online handbook covering important skills and information from time management and useful apps to reading and writing skills to academic integrity. The Academic Skills Handbook is available through Wattle and is accessible to all students enrolled in a course at the Crawford School.

Pre-sessional program
New Crawford students take a four-week pre-sessional program to prepare them for study at Crawford.

This includes the CRWF7900 Graduate Academic and Research Skills for Public Policy course which develops skills in academic reading and writing, critical thinking, information technology, argument and the use of evidence, and academic integrity and referencing.


Thuy Do and Mark Badger skills advisors

Academic skills advisers

Mark Badger 

E: | T: 6125 2318

Office: Coombs building, Room 1.260

Dr Thuy Do

E: | T: 6125 0075

Office: Coombs building, Room 1.260