Africa Update 2013

Monday 27 May
Finkel Theatre, John Curtin School of Medical Research
The Australian National University

Executive Summary (PDF,46KB)
Summary Report of Proceedings of the Africa Update (PDF,92KB)

An all-day Africa Update will be held on Monday 27 May, Finkel Theatre at The Australian National University(ANU). Although ANU has hosted many updates over the years, examples being the Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and China Updates, this will be the first on Africa.

The Update builds on three African events held at the ANU in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and ties in with Africa Day - 25 May.

The Update will be co-hosted by Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australia Africa Business Council (ACT Chapter) and the African Heads of Mission in Canberra. In addition to these the planning committee includes representatives of AusAID, ANU and the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). Sponsors include AusAID, ANU and Crawford School of Public Policy.

The objectives of the update

  1. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU).
  2. To consider the contribution of Australia to Africa's economic and social development.
  3. To raise awareness of Australia's deepening involvement in Africa.
  4. To describe how business, NGOs and government can contribute to poverty reduction in Africa.
  5. To consider if the Millennium Development Goals for Africa were too ambitious and what should happen when they expire in 2015.
  6. To show how Australian technology and skills in areas such as sustainable energy and infrastructure can contribute to development.
  7. To make the groups involved with Africa more aware of the activities of others and to encourage networking.

The Program

Subject to funding the Australian National University African Students' Association (ANUASA) will host a welcome function on the evening of May 26th.

Four panels will comprise a mix of panelists from business, NGOs, government, and University and other researchers. These panels will focus on:

  • Australia's relationship with Africa.
  • Trade and aid in Africa
  • Development and the post-2015 development agenda
  • Australian entrepreneurship in Africa

The Update will conclude with a Reflections and Prospects session organized by the African Heads of Mission.

Associate Professor Robyn Alders, AO, a director of the KYEEMA Foundation, is organising a side session on small foundations and social enterprises. She can be contacted at

You can now view the current program. *The program is subject to change and a more detailed version will be available closer to the date.

For further information regarding the Africa Update 2013 on 27 May, please contact: Amelia Bidgood

Updated:  26 February 2015/ Responsible Officer:  Crawford School Marketing/ Page Contact:  CAP Web Team