Agriculture-Nutrition Pathway in India

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Our analysis illustrates one pathway between agriculture and nutrition through
production of nutrients by crop and size as well as through livestock. As this
pathway is subsumed in agriculture and nutrition studies focusing on
anthropometric outcomes, and hardly any light is thrown on the contribution
of smallholders, it is emphasised that they play an important role as producers
of nutrients. Specifically, despite various disadvantages (e.g. inadequate
access to extension, technology, credit and markets), they contribute largest
shares of calories, protein and fats. However, profits earned (using an
approximate measure) are considerably lower among them than among
medium and large landholders. At least two reasons are identified in our
analysis: one is limited access to markets and another is lower crop prices. A
much greater emphasis on enabling higher investment, access to technology
and markets through better rural infrastructure would help increase
profitability of crop production. Equally important are market imperfections
that manifest in lower crop prices for smallholders. How economies of scale
could be exploited through farmers’ groups needs careful scrutiny.
