Major Indian ICT Firms and Their Approaches towards Achieving Quality
Of the three basic theories of innovation: the entrepreneur theory, the technology-economics theory and the strategic theory, the third one seems to be highly appropriate for the analysis of recent growth of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in many developing countries including India. The central measure for achieving quality by the various major Indian (ICT) firms is widely agreed to have been the adoption of Six Sigma Methodology and/or its multivariate branches like Total Quality Management (TQM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It is apparent that the main objective of the firms chosen has been to increase the pace of innovation activities, irrespective of their different area of product specialisation. Its success is believed to depend largely on the overall improvement in infrastructure, besides active market interaction. To enable both the above, a brief highlight has been made on the establishment of interaction and learning sites (ILSs) in every regional State in India. The paper concludes with a mention of the elements observed to be missing among the firms under consideration, and, thereby, delineating the scope for their further improvement