Using primary data collected during 2007-08 we examine the nutritional status with respect to the two
macronutrients (calories and protein) as well as various micronutrients of rural households in three
Indian states: Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. We find that, by and large, there are
serious deficiencies in regard to consumption of various nutrients in all three states. With this as a
background we model the impact of two policy interventions (NREG and PDS) on nutrient intake. In
addition to OLS and IV estimations for each nutrient for each state, we also conduct systems
estimation for each nutrient for all states. In many cases, there are significant effects of the two policy
interventions on nutrient intakes. The impact effects of a change in the policy measures are also
computed and found to vary across nutrients and states. Finally, in order to assess the impact on an
index of undernutrition, both the nutrient-income relation and how the proportions of undernourished
vary must be taken into account. As our analysis demonstrates, a preoccupation with the former could
be misleading.