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This program brings together various research agendas in the area of theoretical macroeconomics. The emphasis is on (i) the construction of macroeconomic models that have well-specific decision-theoretic foundations and equilibrium concepts; and/or (ii) the use of such models to understand observed economic phenomena, analyse policy regimes and other institutional features; and/or (iii) research that refines and expands the set of tools for undertaking research in (i) and (ii).

Research in this area includes equilibrium business cycle theories, growth theory, recursive policy games, recursive contract theory, dynamic public finance, international macroeconomics, expectations modelling and learning, sunspots and multiple equilibria in general equilibrium, search theoretic foundations of labour markets and monetary theory, and dynamic political economics.

The program’s activities include:

  • The annual Australasian Workshop in Macroeconomic Dynamics (WMD).
  • Macroeconomics Study Group.
  • Occasional advanced workshop/courses featuring experts in the relevant field.

Begoña Domínguez

School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
The University of Queensland

Aarti Singh

School of Economics
The University of Sydney

Ghate C, Gopalakrishnan P, Saha A, September 2024. Paper no. 60/2024.