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Australia-China research program on market mechanisms for climate change policy

The Australia-China research program on market mechanisms for climate change policy brings together researchers from leading Chinese institutions and Australian universities. Collaborators include Tsinghua, Fudan and Wuhan Universities, the Beijing Institute of Technology, the Australian National University, the University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne.

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Topics of joint research include options for pricing carbon in China’s power sector and their economic effects; the impacts of a carbon price on electricity sector investments; energy demand and energy mix at the provincial level; the design and performance of China’s pilot emissions trading schemes; and prospects for national emissions pricing in China. The research combines state of the art expertise in China with methodological and policy experience in Australia.

The program is partly funded by an Australian government grant.

China’s climate change policy: The role of markets (2016)

A bilateral collaborative program of research and bilateral exchange between researchers in China and Australia, led by the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy at ANU Crawford School. The focus is on enabling conditions and instruments for climate change mitigation, as well as implications for economic development, investment and trade. 

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The research helps to understand needs and options for the application of market-based instruments for emissions reductions and market reform as an enabler of climate change mitigation. The project provides information and insights about China’s policy options and development, including through bilateral dialogue. The program builds on an earlier bilateral research collaboration, the Australia-China research program on market mechanisms for climate change policy (2013-15). The program is partly funded by an Australian government grant.

Australia-China research program on market mechanisms for climate change policy (2013-2015)

During 2013-15, The Australia-China research program on market mechanisms for climate change policy brought together researchers from leading Chinese institutions and Australian universities. Collaborators included Tsinghua, Fudan and Wuhan Universities, the Beijing Institute of Technology, the Australian National University, the University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne.

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The program is partly funded by an Australian government grant. Topics of joint research included options for pricing carbon in China’s power sector and their economic effects; the impacts of a carbon price on electricity sector investments; energy demand and energy mix at the provincial level; the design and performance of China’s pilot emissions trading schemes; and prospects for national emissions pricing in China. The project held workshops and public events in Beijing and Canberra, and resulted in a number of research papers, publications and media coverage.