CCEP associates work on selected issues of economics and policy of climate change adaptation.
Selected papers:
Dobes, L, Jotzo, F & Doupé, P 2013, Adaptor of last resort? An economic perspective on the Government’s role in adaptation to climate change, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 70 pp. ISBN: 978-1-925039-42-9
Acting on Climate Finance Pledges: Inter-Agency Dynamics and Relationships with Aid in Contributor States, Jonathan Pickering, Jakob Skovgaard, Soyeun Kim, J. Timmons Roberts, David Rossati, Martin Stadelmann, Hendrikje Reich, October 2013, CCEP Working Paper 1306
Adaptation to climate change: Formulating policy under uncertainty, Leo Dobes, January 2012, CCEP Working Paper 1201
Financing Adaptation to Climate-Induced Retreat from Coastal Inundation and Erosion, Leo Dobes and Bruce Chapman, September 2011, CCEP Working Paper 1113
Notes on applying ‘real options’ to climate change adaptation measures, with examples from Vietnam, Leo Dobes, November 2010, CCEP Working Paper 7.10
Jotzo, F. (2010), ‘Market- and policy-driven adaptation: alternative perspective’, in Lomborg, B. (ed), Smart solutions to climate change, Cambridge University Press. [Reviewed in New York Review of Books, April 7-17 2011]