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CCEP associates work on many aspects of the economics of climate change mitigation and policy approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the energy sector.

A low-carbon future for Australia

CCEP is involved in the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project. ClimateWorks Australia and ANU through CCEP have been appointed to lead Australia’s contribution to the global project.

The global project draws on research and analysis from 13 participating country teams, which collectively represents more than 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Working within a coordinated framework, each country will explore the potential to achieve deep decarbonisation, while maintaining economic prosperity. The broad objectives are to:

  • Prepare transparent and practical national pathways to help countries adopt and implement policies to achieve deep decarbonisation.
  • Support international climate change negotiations by helping decision makers and the global community to understand how deep decarbonisation can be achieved.
  • Support positive outcomes of the 2014 World Leaders Climate Summit, convened by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, and the 2015 Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • Build an on-going global network to facilitate learning and promote problem solving in the implementation phase of national deep decarbonisation strategies after 2015.

Drawing on modelling undertaken by CSIRO and the Centre for Policy Studies (CoPS), ClimateWorks Australia and ANU will submit their findings to the UN SDSN.


Recent research by CCEP associates covers issues such as instrument choice and evaluation, impacts on economic growth and structure, global emissions and energy trends, and developments in the economics of climate change.

Selected papers:


We teach the course CRWF8014 ‘Domestic climate change economics and policy’ (convenor Dr Frank Jotzo). This is a core course in the ANU Master of Climate Change degree and available under several Crawford School Masters degrees.