Indonesia is one of the regional focus areas of CCEP associates. In conjunction with the ANU Indonesia Project, we do analysis of Indonesia’s energy, forestry and economic policies as they relate to climate change. We have been involved in advisory to Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance as well as Indonesia’s planning agency Indonesia’s State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS).
Selected papers:
Ardiansyah, F. and Jotzo, F. (2013), ‘Decentralisation and Avoiding Deforestation: The Case of Indonesia’, in Howes, S. and Rao, G., Federal Reform Strategies: Lessons from Asia and Australia, Oxford University Press.
Jotzo, F. (2012), Can Indonesia Lead on Climate Change? (PDF, 611KB) in Reid, A.S. Indonesia Rising: The Repositioning of Asia’s Third Giant, ISEAS, Singapore.
Green fiscal policy and climate mitigation in Indonesia, Budy P. Resosudarmo and Abdurohman, August 2011, CCEP Working Paper 1109
Challenges in mitigating Indonesia’s CO2 emission: The importance of managing fossil fuel combustion, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Frank Jotzo, Arief A, Yusuf, and Ditya A. Nurdianto, August 2011, CCEP Working Paper 1108
Jotzo, F. and Mazouz, S. (2010), ‘Indonesia’s climate change challenge: economic policy for effective and efficient mitigation’, The Indonesian Quarterly 38(1): 23-40.