The 2nd Australian Workshop on Public Finance is hosted by the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Australian National University (ANU) and is supported by, The Australian Taxation office, Treasury, The Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Social Services. The workshop will be held on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 August 2022 at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the ANU.

Professor Greg Kaplan, of the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics and the College at the University of Chicago, and an editor of the Journal of Political Economy, will be the keynote speaker.

The conference will feature empirical research papers in any area of public economics, with a particular focus on papers that make use of the ALife, DOMINO, MADIP, Single Touch Payroll or other Australian administrative datasets (making best use of the data; the representativeness of the data; tips and tricks for coding variables into useful variables for analysis, etc.) Each paper will be assigned a discussant. The conference will also provide an opportunity to discuss the state of development of Australian administrative data, and for researchers that are making use of large administrative datasets to share their latest research and insights.

There will be a limited number of extra places available, please email to register your attendance.

NOTE: Details on the first Australian Workshop on Public Finance (ALife Conference) held in 2021 are available here.

We look forward to seeing you in Canberra.

Best wishes

Robert Breunig, ANU; Jenny Humphrys, Department of Social Services, Claudio Labanca, Monash University; Christian Gillitzer, University of Sydney, Tristram Sainsbury, ANU

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Molonglo Theatre, Level 2, JG Crawford Building

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