The Australia China Business Council will host a hybrid roundtable organised by the Australian National University on the implications of decarbonisation for Australia and China.
Join our curated panel of experts to discuss recent energy & climate policy developments and areas for bilateral cooperation.
The Australia China Business Council will host a hybrid roundtable organised by the Australian National University on the implications of decarbonisation for Australia and China.
Join our curated panel of experts to discuss recent energy & climate policy developments and areas for bilateral cooperation.
This event will help identify future economic opportunities under fast developing policy settings in Australia and China. The starting point of the discussion will be China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), for which sectoral plans are currently being rolled out. A brief prepared by ANU will be provided before the event.
Australia and China’s low-carbon transitions are deeply linked through their systems of energy and resource production and use. Low-carbon transitions open opportunities to establish new energy, resource and processing industries in Australia, on the basis of natural resource endowments and industrial capabilities. It is therefore critical for many Australian business, governments and other stakeholders to develop a deep understanding of China’s low-carbon transition.
Please note that this event will be livestreamed, no recording will be available afterwards. In-person attendance is by invite-only.