Biodiversity on farms – stewardship vs private land conservation vs regulation
A deep understanding of Natural Resource Management (NRM) is crucial to the effective management of the system. Throughout the program participants will be guided by experts in the field to plan strategic policy interventions and broaden their knowledge of NRM to skilfully identify opportunities free from path dependence, ethical dimensions and manage NRM contracts and relationships.
Course overview
Biodiversity is in rapid decline across the globe. Agriculture (and especially intensive agriculture) has played a major role in this decline. Several developed nations have developed policies to encourage biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, and Australia has run several programs towards this end. Unfortunately there has been little to show for this considerable investment.
This module will examine the policy alternatives surrounding payments to farmers for biodiversity conservation? It will consider what has been trialled overseas in Europe and the USA? And it will help stakeholders consider what factors should be given priority when assessing the value of any particular biodiversity conservation stewardship program.
Learning outcomes:
- appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of different policy options regarding programs to improve biodiversity on farms
- understand successes and failures in efforts in Europe and the USA
- understand demographic and societal shifts in regional Australia and how these will impact on programs being considered for the future.
Updated: 17 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team