Indicative topic areas
- Contemporary development practice
- Design and evaluation of development projects and programs
- Gender, resources, environment and development
- Indigenous environments, policy and development
- Migration, refugees and development
- Social impact studies
- Social analysis
- Social mapping and community politics
Environmental management
- Disaster risk reduction and management
- Ecological economics and policy
- Environmental and resource economics and management
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental conflicts: causes and solutions
- Environmental sustainability, health and development
- Environmental policy, governance and communications
- Development and environment
- Methods for environmental decision-making
International development economics
- Agricultural economics and resource policy
- Applied economics: cost/benefit analysis
- Applied macroeconomics and microeconomics
- Banking, finance and monetary policy in the Asia-Pacific region
- Econometric techniques
- Financial markets and economic development
- Macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis and policy
- Quantitative international economics
- Quantitative policy impact evaluation
- The economics of incentives and institutions
- Trade, development and the Asia-Pacific economy
Policy and governance
- Corruption and anti-corruption
- Health policy
- Making and evaluating policy
- Managing government finances
- New models for governance: strategy, innovation, decentralisation
- Organisational finance and budgeting
- Political institutions and policy processes
- Poverty reduction
- Public sector ethics and management
- Scenario planning
- Services and investment policy
- Social policy principles and implementation
Other key areas of expertise
- Climate change policy and economics
- Energy economics, politics and governance
- Food security and agricultural policy
- Government, markets and global change
Updated: 7 December 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team