Student Password
After you've accepted your offer you will receive an ANU welcome email which includes instructions for receiving your password. ANU Identity Manager allows you to manage and change your security information and reset your password.
Orientation and Pre-Sessional Program (PSP)
The PSP is a pre-sessional summer/winter school that commences in January/July and runs over several weeks before semester commences.
Your offer letter will state the requirements to take the PSP or not. Most students will need to take it as part of their degree.
If you are required to undertake the PSP, you will be automatically enrolled into the PSP courses before they commence.
For more information about the PSP please go to Pre-sessional Program.
Enrolment in your courses is done via ISIS. Enrolment generally opens in early December of the previous year. You must enrol for the full year if you are an international student.
If you wish to enrol in a Summer course you can usually do that from October of the previous year.
Please ensure you complete the Enrolment Wizard in ISIS before you attempt to enrol in courses for the first time.
Please enrol as early as you can. You can change your enrolment right up until classes start.
More information on how to enrol: ANU current students enrolment
University Systems
- The Interactive Student Information System (ISIS) is where you will manage the administrative side of your degree. This is where you will provide your personal details for university records, enrol in courses, pay your fees and much more. It is each student’s responsibility to check his/her record on ISIS regularly, updating contact details when necessary.
- Wattle is Web Access to Teaching and Learning Environments’ (Wattle), it is the University's Learning Management Service and provides the framework for the courses and tools available to students and staff. Information about the courses, lectures, readings, discussion boards, assessment tasks including submission, and previous exam papers can be found on Wattle. You can access your courses on Wattle two weeks before the start of each course. Note: the ANU is changing to Canvas in Semester 2, 2025.
- Your ANU email account is where all official communication from the university will be sent. It is crucial that you check your student email account regularly so you do not miss important information. Any queries relating to your studies and your program should be sent from your ANU email account. Emails from ANU will only be sent to your ANU email account.
To view the current ANU course timetable go to Web Publisher (ANU Timetable).
When you are enrolled in at least one course, you will be able to view your personalised timetable via MyTimetable. The MyTimetable website includes the MyTT Student User Guide to help you navigate the timetabling system.
MyTimetable is also used to allocate (choose) teaching activities where there is a choice of day/time, such as for tutorials.
Student Cards
Your ANU student card is your official form of identification as a student at ANU. It gives you access to a range of services on campus and off campus like borrowing rights for ANU libraries, access to printers, copiers, computer labs and examination venues. Your card may also give you access to student discounts at participating locations (e.g. public transport).
Instructions for obtaining your Student ID Card are available here.
Even if you don't plan on coming to campus you should still obtain a student card.
Types of courses
There are two types of courses at ANU
1. Semester length courses
Semester courses are offered in either semester 1 or semester 2 and run for 12 weeks of the semester. This are the most common course types. Semester courses have the same key dates from year to year. Eg. census date, last day to withdraw without penalty, last day to enrol, etc.
2. Sessional courses (also known as intensive, or non-standard session courses)
Sessional courses are offered in the Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring terms. Each sessional course has its own individual key dates which are published on Programs and Courses and change every year. Sessional courses can be 3 or 6 units in value, and are often taught more intensively than semester length courses, such as over 5-6 days or 3-4 weeks.
Choosing on-campus (in person) or online classes
When enrolling in courses offered by the Crawford School you must choose between online or on campus (in person) delivery mode.
Each course has a different class number for each delivery mode. You must enrol in the correct class number for the mode you wish to study in.
International students with a student visa must comply with their visa conditions, which usually restricts enrolment in online classes.
More information: Information for Online Students.
Study periods
The ANU has two main periods of study and 6 sessions/semesters per year.
Study period one = Summer, Semester 1, Autumn
Study period two = Winter, Semester 2, Spring
- Part-time enrolment is 6 -15 units per study period.
- Full time enrolment is 18+ units per study period.
- International students with a student visa must be enrolled in 24 units per study period.
Last day to enrol in a course
Semester 1 & 2: last day to enrol is Monday of Week 2
Sessional courses (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring sessions): the last day to enrol is usually the day before the first teaching day but you must check the course dates on Programs and Course carefully.
Census date
This is the last day to drop a course without financial or academic penalty.
Semester 1: 31 March
Semester 2: 31 August
Sessional courses: each course has its own Census date. Please check this date on Programs and Courses carefully
Course Advice
Students will be invited to a program information session prior to the start of the semester. This session will include a brief explanation of the program requirements, recommended courses to enrol in as well as administrative matters for you to be aware of. You will also meet your program convenor and Head of Department.
For specific course advice please go to the following program area pages.
Graduate Certificate of Public Policy
Department of Policy and Governance (POGO)
- Master of Public Policy
- Master of Public Administration
- Graduate Certificate of Policy Design and Analysis
- Graduate Certificate of Public Management
Arndt-Corden Department of Economics (ACDE)
- Master of Environmental and Resource Economics
- Master of International and Development Economics
- Graduate Certificate of Asia-Pacific Economies
- Graduate Certificate of Environmental and Resource Economics
- Graduate Certificate of International and Development Economics
Resources, Environment and Development Department (READ)
- Master of Environmental Management and Development
- Master of Climate Change
- Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management and Development
- Graduate Certificate of Climate Policy
National Security College (NSC)
- Master of National Security Policy
- Graduate Certificate of National Security Policy