2018 Australasian Aid Conference

Crawford School of Public Policy | Development Policy Centre

Event details


Date & time

Tuesday 13 February 2018 to Wednesday 14 February 2018


JG Crawford Building 132, 1 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs; Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development; and leading voices from the Australasian region.


Shannon Young

The Australasian Aid Conference (AAC) will return on 13-14 February 2018, once again in partnership with The Asia Foundation.

As in previous years, the aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond who are working on aid and international development policy to share insights, promote collaboration, and help develop the research and policy community.

With over 500 people registering in 2017, the AAC has established itself as Australia’s premier aid and development research event.

The fifth annual conference will feature papers and interactive sessions on a variety of aid and international development topics, including aid effectiveness, political economy and the politics of aid, gender, private sector engagement, humanitarian aid, migration and trade policy, and the international aid architecture.

Plenary sessions on health security and medical research, and women’s empowerment, will showcase leading global thinkers and practitioners. 3MAP, the 3 Minute Aid Pitch, will return to present fresh perspectives on Australian aid. The conference keynote will be delivered by Nancy Birdsall, the founding President of the Center for Global Development. Senator Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, will deliver the opening address.

For more information and to register visit

Livestream recordings

Tuesday 13 February
Wednesday 14 February
Catch up on the livestream here

Updated:  8 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team