Australian aid evaluations: disability-inclusive development

Crawford School of Public Policy | Development Policy Centre
Image: DFAT flickr/ Andy Isaacson

Event details


Date & time

Wednesday 11 April 2018


Weston Theatre, Level 1, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Peter Versegi, First Assistant Secretary,ODE; Karen Ovington, Assistant Director, ODE; Mika Kontiainen, Director, Disability Section, DFAT; Colin Allen, Chair, International Disability Alliance; Jim Adams, Chair of the Independent Evaluation Committee, DFAT.


Shannon Young

This forum, jointly organised by the Development Policy Centre and the Office of Development Effectiveness (ODE), was the latest in a series on the evaluation of Australian aid.

It focused on the recent evaluation which assessed the effectiveness and credibility of support for advocacy for disability-inclusive development by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). It focused on advocacy in global policy processes; building the capacity of other advocates; improving data collection on disability; influencing partner agencies; and building and working in coalitions. The Australian aid program has had strategies to support disability-inclusive development since 2009, and the evaluation found that Australia is seen and valued as a leader in disability inclusion in the development process.

Download the evaluation

Access Peter Versegi’s presentation

Access Karen Ovington’s presentation

Listen to podcast

ODE is an operationally independent unit within DFAT that measures and reports on the effectiveness of the Australian aid program.

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