Understanding how frames can promote discussion and engagement with climate change: a mixed-methods investigation of framing in communication

Crawford School of Public Policy
Photo by Eric Wüstenhagen on Flickr

Event details

PhD Seminar

Date & time

Thursday 28 April 2022


Acton Theater and Zoom


Nic Badullovich


Ana Manero


Climate change is a complex social-political issue in Australia. While social support for climate change mitigation has increased in recent time, attitudes continue to be political polarised. What this means is that engagement with climate change and building support for policy solutions can face barriers. Communication has been identified as a critical part of building support for climate policy, and engaging people in meaningful ways to help shift social attitudes. Framing is one communication technique that involves carefully selecting certain elements of an issue and emphasising them for a specific public in a tailored way. Framing research – in the context of climate change – has led to a rich and diverse evidence base. However, there are questions about the usefulness of frames in the face of social complexity.

Nic will present his PhD research which has focused on climate change framing in the Australian context. He will present findings on each of his chapters which are briefly summarised below:

• A systematic stocktake of climate change framing evidence and literature. • Rethinking framing in communication to promote engagement and not just influence. • Exploring the experiences of communication practitioners through qualitative thematic analysis. • Determining if frames and other factors influence one’s willingness to communicate about climate change.

Through mixed-methods, Nic presents a contribution to the framing and communication literature. Devising a new engagement framework, interviewing communication practitioners, and conducting experimental research, he is able to share what he has learned about framing and the communication of climate change. His findings help progress academic thinking on climate change communication, as well as contribute to the practical application of engaging people on climate change in the real world.


Nic Badullovich is a PhD candidate in the Resources, Environment & Development (RE&D) group at the Crawford School of Public Policy. He has a Master’s Degree in science communication and focuses his PhD research on the communication of climate change in the Australian context. He has published research throughout his PhD in journals such as Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Politics and The Lancet Planetary Health. He is also a recipient an ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) scholarship and is due to submit his PhD thesis in mid-2022.

Zoom link: Meeting ID: 849 4869 0698 Password: 417467

Updated:  28 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team