Building the recovery: creating decent working futures in Australia

Crawford School of Public Policy

Event details


Date & time

Thursday 21 July 2022


Barton Theatre and Zoom


Dr Brendan Churchill, Professor Rae Cooper, Dr Laura Davy, Dr Joshua Healy, Moderator: Professor Ariadne Vromen


Roz Smith
+61 2 6125 2418

Public Plenary (Face-to-face & Zoom)

This interactive public event is part of an Academy of Social Sciences in Australia funded workshop and will share preliminary analysis of a new public attitudes survey on Current Issues at Work in Australia. The panellists will explain how the future of work has been shaped by the pandemic context over the last two years, and highlight the challenges and new policy pathways for building a work and care-centred recovery.


Dr Brendan Churchill, an Australian Research Council Research Fellow (DECRA) and Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. His research focuses on work and employment from a number of different perspectives: young people, women and families, and the future of work, including the gig economy @BrenChurchill

Professor Rae Cooper is Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations in the School of Business at the University of Sydney. She is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and has a particular research interest in gender and work, women’s careers and the future of work @Raecooper1

Dr Laura Davy is a Lecturer in Policy and Governance in the Crawford School of Public Policy at ANU. Her research focuses on the future of social care policy, the implementation and outcomes of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the disability and aged care sectors @LauraKDavy

Dr Joshua Healy is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Newcastle Business School. His research covers many aspects of contemporary work and employment relations, including technological disruption, the gig economy, workforce ageing, and the minimum wage @youralarmbells


Professor Ariadne Vromen is the Bunting Chair of Public Administration in the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU; and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Australia @AriadneVromen

How to attend the event

This is a free public event. You can join in the discussion by registering for a ticket to attend in person or on Zoom. The Public Plenary will be held at the Barton Theatre, at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Lennox Crossing, ANU. Please note the Tier 1, yellow seating tickets, are allocated for people who require disabled access.

Updated:  9 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team