Advancing regional security through Pacific empowerment

Crawford School of Public Policy

Event details

Public Seminar

Date & time

Wednesday 18 September 2019


Weston Theatre, Level 1, JG Crawford Building #132, Lennox Crossing, The ANU


Dr Manumatavai Tupou-Roosen, Director General, FFA


Kian Kuemmel

With increasing pressures on Pacific island fisheries from foreign fishing interests, climate change and growing food security needs, the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) has an important role to secure the sustainable management of the region’s offshore fisheries.

In this talk, Dr Manumatavai Tupou-Roosen, the new Director General of the FFA, will reflect on the future role of the FFA to help increase the economic and social benefits from fisheries, enhance legal rights and protections for Pacific Economic Exclusion Zones (EEZs) and their resources, and safeguard ocean values important to Pacific identity.

Empowerment, communication and collaboration will be critical tools for success. The challenges ahead are significant, and this seminar is an opportunity to hear about the strategies that could enhance ocean security and sustainability.

Dr Tupou-Roosen has worked for nearly 20 years in the area of fisheries, including 13 years as the FFA Legal Counsel. In this role she had been responsible for providing legal and strategic advice to the Director General on significant Agency-wide issues.

Dr Tupou-Roosen gained a Masters of Law in 1997 under a NZ scholarship with a focus on International Fisheries and achieved First Class Honours. She also gained a PhD in Law in 2004 under a Commonwealth Scholarship, with a focus on International and Regional Fisheries Compliance.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided from 12.30 pm. Registration essential.

Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team