Social Safety Nets and Nutrient Deprivation: An Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Program and the Public Distribution System in India


Event details


Date & time

Tuesday 11 May 2010


Seminar Room B, Coombs Building, Fellows Road, ANU


Raghbendra Jha, Australia South Asia Research Centre, ACDE


Sandra Zec
6125 5188

Using primary data collected during 2007-08 we examine nutritional status with respect to two macronutrients as well as various micronutrients of rural households in three Indian states: Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan and find serious deficiencies in regard to these nutrients in all three states. The impact of two policy interventions (NREG and PDS) on nutrient intake is considered and significant impacts are discovered. The impact effects of a change in these policy measures are also computed. Finally, to assess the impact on undernutrition, both the nutrient-income relation and how the proportions of undernourished vary are considered.

Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team