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Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

If you are are currently completing a Master of Public Policy at Crawford you have a unique opportunity to complete one year of a Master of Public Policy at the Crawford School of Public Policy, followed by one year of a Master of Public Policy at the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo (GrasPP). Upon completion, you will be awarded a Master of Public Policy from each institution.

This program draws on strong research and collaboration connections between the two world-renowned institutions. It aims to prepare you for an innovative career in public policy in the Asia-Pacific region. At the Crawford School, the MPP will provide students with an introduction to the latest disciplinary policy debates in the social sciences and, with a mixture of theory and practice, to build the analytical tools and knowledge necessary for high quality policy analysis.

The MPP at GrasPP adds the opportunity to gain perspectives on public policy skills and knowledge in one of the most influential public policy schools in Japan and the region.

When to apply: apply in November to depart the following April.

You must apply for the program with Crawford first and then we will advise you how to apply to GrasPP. Places are limited.

Duration: one year. The year in Japan is from April to January (classes start first week of April).

Fees: students pay ANU fees for duration of the program and are enrolled in courses at ANU during their stay (48 units). These fees can be deferred to FEE-HELP (if eligible) as fees are not payable to UTokyo.

Students are responsible for all costs in relation to accommodation, flights, transfers, health and travel insurance etc.

More information: MPP/IP program and email Student Engagement team.

Deutscher Bundestag / Reichstag
Deutscher Bundestag / Reichstag By Giso Bammel

Hertie School of Governance

The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin is an international university for modern governance. It hosts a diverse student body as well as top researchers from 50 different countries. The renowned international faculty with expertise in economics, business, law, political and social science takes an interdisciplinary, policy-oriented approach to the school’s teaching and research agenda. Beyond that, the Hertie School actively engages in public debate with its wide range of events that bring together experts from theory and practice.

If you are completing a Master of Public Policy (MPP) at Crawford you have the opportunity to attend Hertie for a one-semester exchange. It is an amazing opportunity.

When to apply: In your first year of the MPP -  applications open once per year (around Sept-Nov) for exchange in semester 2 the following year.

Duration: one semester

Fees: you will complete the equivalent of 24 units at Hertie (full time). Exchange students enrol in shell courses at ANU for the duration of the semester and continue to pay ANU course fees. You don't pay course fees at Hertie. 

More information: ANU Global Programs. or email Crawford Student Engagement.