Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt AO
Professor, Resource, Environment and Development (RE&D) Program.
International 2022: The World Bank; for developing ‘A Roadmap for Managing Gendered Impacts of Covid-19 in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Communities: A Case Study of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia’.
2020: The World Bank; Chief Investigator on ‘A feminist approach to just transition’.
April-September, 2013: World Bank; Strategic Advisor, Women in Mining, Papua New Guinea. ToR includes reviewing the gender plans of eight major mining companies of PNG, preparation of gender training plan and modules.
March-October, 2012: ACIAR; Women headed households in Farming in Eastern Gangetic Plains. Tor included a field survey in rural areas of North Bihar, North West Bengal and Lower Nepal.
June-July, 2012: Minelab; Research on artisanal and small-scale mining in India and Indonesia.
March-April 2010: UNDP, Writing a technical note on ‘The People Dimension of Mining’.
October 2009 – June 2010: World Bank, Improving Rural Women’s Livelihoods in Artisanal & Small-scale Mining (ASM) Communities in Lao PDR and in PNG.
December 2006-March 2007: World Bank, Impacts of Mining on Women and Youth in two Locations in Indonesia.
November-December 2004: Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia, Gender Needs Assessment. The TOR was for assessing the needs of women in the village communities around the mining operation through Focus Groups in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
August-September 2004: Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia, Gender Survey. The TOR was for an intra-company gender analysis involving long personal interviews to qualitatively assess the perceptions of women employees towards work and working conditions in the company.
May-June 2014 Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT). Evaluation Panel Member for Extractive for Growth Initiative.
August-September 2007: AusAID/APFRN Water and Environment in India.
Regional Coordinator for South Asia, Training of Australian Youth Ambassadors in Development.
August-September 2006: AusAID/APFRN, Energy Outlook of South Asia.
2002 - Panos Institute, UK. Coordination of Oral Testimony Project of coal mining displaced indigenous people in eastern India.
1999 - Research consultancy for International Atomic Energy Agency, ‘Community Perception and Participation in Environmental Restoration Planning’. I wrote the Technical Document for IAEA on the subject.
Updated: 13 November 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team