Dr Arianto Patunru
Arianto Patunru joined the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics in October 2012. He was previously the head of the Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM-FEUI) in Jakarta while teaching economics at the Department of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. He holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Patunru’s publication includes papers in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Development Studies, and Contemporary Economic Policy. He is an editor of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES). He also writes commentaries and op-eds in East Asia Forum, New Mandala, Australian Financial Review, as well as in Indonesian media such as Tempo and Kompas. He has recently published three edited volumes on trade and globalisation.
In his engagement activities, Patunru coordinates the ANU Indonesia Project policy interactions and convenes the Australia-Indonesia High Level Policy Dialogue that involves Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance and Australia’s DFAT and Treasury. He also co-coordinates the Indonesia Project on COVID19 in Indonesia initiatives.