Prof Budy Resosudarmo
Budy P Resosudarmo is a developmental and environmental economist working on the economy-wide impact of economic and environmental policies on local economies, household incomes, human development and the environment, and analysing the political economy of environmental policies and natural resource utilisation. In conducting his research, he implements, among others, impact evaluation, spatial and inter-regional modelling techniques. He currently collaborates with several Indonesian research institutes, researching various developmental and environmental issues in Southeast Asia, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. Among others are on the issues of energy transformation and integration, disaster management and insurances, and development in lagging regions.
Budy is the Head of the ANU Indonesia Project, a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International, a member of the Advisory Committee of the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA), a member of the Advisory Committee of the Economy and Environment Institute-Indonesia (EEI-Indonesia), and an ex-officio member of the Council of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organizer.
Career highlights
President of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (2021-2023), President of the Regional Science Association International (2017-2018), Head of the ANU Indonesia Project (2011-2017); President of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) (2013-2015); Indonesia Senior Practitioner Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2015); Vice President of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE) (2012-2015); Vice President, Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) (2009-2017); Researcher at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (1996-2001); Lecturer at the Graduate Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics-University of Indonesia (1997-2001); Fulbright visiting fellow at the J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2001); Postdoctoral associate at the Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont (1998-1999)
Research Interest
- Development Economics;
- Resource and Environmental Economics;
- Urban and Regional Economics;
- Poverty and Inequality;
- Public Policy;
- Resource and Environmental Modelling;
- Computable General Equilibrium Modelling;
- Impact Evaluation;
- Panel Data;
- Spatial Analysis.