Ida Kubiszewski
Dr. Ida Kubiszewski is an Honorary Associate Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).
Dr. Kubiszewski was a climate change negotiator for the Dominican Republic, following adaptation and loss & damage. She was a delegate at the 19th through 21st Conference of Parties.
Dr. Kubiszewski is the author or co-author of over 50 scientific papers and has co-authored or co-edited six books. Her editorial work includes being the founding managing editor and current Associate Editor of magazine/journal hybrid called Solutions, as well as a co-founder and former managing editor of the Encyclopedia of Earth. Dr. Kubiszewski is also a full member of the Club of Rome and the Balaton Group.
Dr. Kubiszewski received her B.A. in Astronomy and Physics from Boston University and her M.A. in Energy and Environmental Analysis through the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies also at Boston University. She received her Ph.D. through the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Her dissertation topic was ‘Searching for the Sweet Spot: Managing information as a good that improves with use.’
Research Interest
- Costanza, R., J. D. Erickson, J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski (eds). In Press. Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK.
- Costanza, R. J. Cumberland, H. Daly, R. Goodland, R. Norgaard, I. Kubiszewski, C. Franco. 2014. An Introduction to Ecological Economics, 2nd Edition. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton.
- UNEP. 2014 (Co-authored with S. Al-Jenaid, A. Chiu, A. Dahl, K. Fleischmann, K. Garcia, M. Graham, P. King, J. McManus, S. Ragoonaden, B. Ratter, A. Singh, R. Suckoo, P. Weech). GEO Small Island Developing States Outlook. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski (eds). 2014. Envisioning a Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 global thought leader. World Scientific. Singapore.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H.E. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, P. Victor. 2013. Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. ANU E Press. Canberra, Australia.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H.E. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, P. Victor. 2013. Vivement 2050! Programme pour une économie soutenable et desirable. Les Petits Matins. Paris, France.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Costanza, R., S. J. Anderson, P. Sutton, K. Mulder, O. Mulder, I. Kubiszewski, X. Wang, X. Liu, O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. Luisa Martinez, D. Jarvis and G. Dee. (2021). The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection. Global Environmental Change 70: 102328.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, T. Kompas and P. C. Sutton. (2021). A Global MetaUniversity to Lead by Design to a Sustainable Well-Being Future. Frontiers in Sustainability 2(33).
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, N. Stoeckl and T. Kompas. (2021). Pluralistic discounting recognizing different capital contributions: An example estimating the net present value of global ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 183: 106961.
- Costanza, R., P. W. B. Atkins, M. Hernandez-Blanco and I. Kubiszewski. (2021). Common asset trusts to effectively steward natural capital and ecosystem services at multiple scales. Journal of Environmental Management 280: 111801.
- Prananta, W. and I. Kubiszewski. (2021). Assessment of Indonesia’s Future Renewable energy Plan: A Meta-Analysis of Biofuel Energy Return on Investment (EROI). Energies 14(10): 2803.
- Kubiszewski, I., N. Zakariyya, R. Costanza and D. Jarvis. (2020). Resilience of self-reported life satisfaction: A case study of who conforms to set-point theory in Australia. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0237161.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, K. Pickett, K. Trebeck, R. De Vogli, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, H. Lovins, L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, J. McGlade, L. Fogh Mortensen, D. Roberts, S. Wallis and R. Wilkinson. 2020. After the crisis: two possible futures. Solutions 11(3).
- Hernández-Blanco, M., R. Costanza, S. Anderson, I. Kubiszewski, and P. Sutton. 2020. Future scenarios for the value of ecosystem services in Latin America and the Caribbean to 2050. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 2: 100008.
- Mulder, O.J., K.P. Mulder, I. Kubiszewski, S.J. Anderson, R. Costanza, and P. Sutton. 2020. The value of coastal wetlands for storm protection in Australia. Ecosystem Services 46: 101205.
- Palahí, M., M. Pantsar, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, J. Potočnik, M. Stuchtey, R. Nasi, H. Lovins, E. Giovannini, L. Fioramonti, S. Dixson-Declève, J. McGlade, K. Pickett, R. Wilkinson, J. Holmgren, S. Wallis, M. Ramage, G. Berndes, F. Akinnifesi, G. Safonov, A. Nobre, C. Nobre, B. Muys, K. Trebeck, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Ibañez, A. Wijkman, J. Snape, and L. Bas. 2020. Investing in Nature to Transform the Post COVID-19 Economy: A 10-point Action Plan to create a circular bioeconomy devoted to sustainable wellbeing. Solutions 11(2).
- Verkerk, P. J., R. Costanza, L. Hetemäki, I. Kubiszewski, P. Leskinen, G. J. Nabuurs, J. Potočnik and M. Palahí. 2020. Climate-Smart Forestry: the missing link. Forest Policy and Economics 115: 102164.
- Kubiszewski, I., D. Jarvis, and N. Zakariyya. 2019. Spatial variations in contributors to life satisfaction: An Australian case study. Ecological Economics 164: 106345.
- Kubiszewski, I., N. Zakariyya, and D. Jarvis. Measuring wellbeing at different spatial scales for individuals satisfied and dissatisfied with life. PeerJ 7: e6502.
- Chambers, I., R. Costanza, L. Zingus, S. Cork, M. Hernandez, A. Sofiullah, T. Z. Htwe, D. Kenny, P. Atkins, T. Kasser, I. Kubiszewski, Y. Liao, A. Chan Maung, K. Yuan, D. Finnigan and S. Harte. 2019. A public opinion survey of four future scenarios for Australia in 2050. Futures 107: 119-132.
- Coscieme, L., P. Sutton, L. F. Mortensen, I. Kubiszewski, R. Costanza, K. Trebeck, F. M. Pulselli, B. F. Giannetti, and L. Fioramonti. (2019). Overcoming the Myths of Mainstream Economics to Enable a New Wellbeing Economy. Sustainability 11(16): 4374.
- Kenny, D. C., R. Costanza, T. Dowsley, N. Jackson, J. Josol, I. Kubiszewski, H. Narulla, S. Sese, A. Sutanto and J. Thompson. (2019). Australia’s Genuine Progress Indicator Revisited (1962–2013). Ecological Economics 158: 1-10.
- Liu, X., Y. Wang, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, N. Xu, Z. Gao, M. Yuan, R. Geng, H. Chen and X. Hu. 2019. Rice paddy fields’ hidden value for typhoon protection in coastal areas. Ecological Indicators 107: 105610.
- Liu, X., Y. Wang, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, N. Xu, M. Yuan and R. Geng. (2019). The value of China’s coastal wetlands and seawalls for storm protection. Ecosystem Services 36: 100905.
- Liu, X., Y. Wang, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, N. Xu, Z. Gao, M. Liu, R. Geng and M. Yuan. 2019. Is China’s coastal engineered defences valuable for storm protection? Science of The Total Environment 657: 103-107.
- Kubiszewski, I., N. Zakariyya, and R. Costanza. Objective and subjective indicators of life satisfaction in Australia: How well do people perceive what supports a good life? Ecological Economics 154: 361-372.
- Costanza, R., E. Caniglia, L. Fioramonti, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lewis, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, L.F. Mortensen, D. Philipsen, K. Pickett, K.V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Roberts, P. Sutton, K. Trebeck, S. Wallis, J. Ward, M. Weatherhead, R. Wilkinson. 2018. Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy. Solutions 9(2).
- Intralawan, A., D. Wood, R. Frankel, R. Costanza, and I. Kubiszewski. 2018. Tradeoff analysis between electricity generation and ecosystem services in the Lower Mekong Basin. Ecosystem Services 30: 27-35.
- Sandhu, H., B. Clarke, R. Baring, S. Anderson, C. Fisk, S. Dittmann, S. Walker, P. Sutton, I. Kubiszewski, and R. Costanza. 2018. Scenario planning including ecosystem services for a coastal region in South Australia. Ecosystem Services 31: 194-207.
- Wei, F., R. Costanza, Q. Dai, N. Stoeckl, X. Gu, S. Farber, Y. Nie, I. Kubiszewski, Y. Hu, R.R. Swaisgood, X. Yang, M. Bruford, Y. Chen, A. Voinov, D. Qi, M Owen, L. Yan, D.C. Kenny, Z. Zhang, R. Hou, S. Jiang, H. Liu, X. Zhan, L. Zhang, B. Yang, L. Zhao, X. Zheng, W. Zhou, Y. Wen, H. Gao, W. Zhang. The Value of Ecosystem Services from Giant Panda Reserves. Current Biology 28 (13): 2174-2180.e7.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, S. Anderson and P. Sutton. 2017. The future value of ecosystem services: Global scenarios and national implications. Ecosystem Services 26: 289-301.
- Kubiszewski, I., C. Marais, and R. Costanza. 2017. Investing in ecological infrastructure in South Africa. Ecosystem Services 27: A1-A2.
- Costanza, R., R. de Groot, L. Braat, I. Kubiszewski, L. Fioramonti, P. Sutton, S. Farber and M. Grasso. 2017. Twenty years of ecosystem services: How far have we come and how far do we still need to go? Ecosystem Services 28: 1-16.
- Costanza, R., P. Atkins, M. Bolton, S. Cork, N. Grigg, T. Kasser, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Overcoming Societal Addictions: What Can We Learn From Individual Therapies? Ecological Economics 131: 543-550.
- Costanza, R., P.W.B. Atkins, M. Bolton, S. Cork, N.J. Grigg, T. Kasser, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Societal addiction therapy: from motivational interviewing to Community Engaged Scenario Planning. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26: 47-53.
- Cumming, T. L., R. T. Shackleton, J. Förster, J. Dini, A. Khan, M. Gumula, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Achieving the national development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through investment in ecological infrastructure: A case study of South Africa. Ecosystem Services 27: 253-260.
- Lukey, P., T. Cumming, S. Paras, I. Kubiszewski, and S. Lloyd. 2017. Making biodiversity offsets work in South Africa – A governance perspective. Ecosystem Services 27: 281-290.
- Phelan, A., L. Dawes, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Evaluation of social externalities in regional communities affected by coal seam gas projects: A case study from Southeast Queensland. Ecological Economics 131: 300-311.
- Kubiszewski, I., S. Anderson, R. Costanza, P. Sutton. 2016. The Future of Ecosystem Services in Asia and the Pacific. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies 3(3): 389–404.
- Costanza, R., L. Daly, L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, L.F. Mortensen, K.E. Pickett, K.V. Ragnarsdottir, R. de Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2016. Modelling and measuring sustainable wellbeing in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ecological Economics 130: 350-355.
- Costanza, R., R.B. Howarth, I. Kubiszewski, S. Liu, C. Ma, G. Plumecocq, and Stern, D. 2016. Influential publications in ecological economics revisited. Ecological Economics 123: 68-76.
- Costanza, R., L. Daly, L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, L.F. Mortensen, K. Pickett, K.V. Ragnarsdóttir, R. de Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2016. The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the dynamics of well-being. Solutions 7(1): 20-22.
- Sutton, P.C., S.J. Anderson, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski. 2016. The ecological economics of land degradation: impacts on ecosystem service values. Ecological Economics 129: 182-192.
- Turner, K.G., S. Anderson, M.G. Chang, R. Costanza, S. Courville, T. Dalgaard, E. Dominati, I. Kubiszewski, S. Ogilvy, L. Porfirio, N. Ratna, H. Sandhu, P.C. Sutton, J.-C. Svenning, G.M. Turner, Y.-D. Varennes, A. Voinov, S. Wratten. 2016. A review of methods, data, and models to assess changes in the value of ecosystem services from land degradation and restoration. Ecological Modelling 319: 190-207.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, N.E. Gorko, M.A. Weisdorf, A.W. Carnes, C.E. Collins, C. Franco, L.R. Gehres, J.M. Knobloch, G.E. Matson, J.D. Schoepfer. 2015. Estimates of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Oregon from 1960-2010 and Recommendations for a Comprehensive Shareholder’s Report. Ecological Economics 119: 1-7.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, S. Cork, P.W.B. Atkins, A. Bean, A. Diamond, N. Grigg, E. Korb, J. Logg-Scarvell, R. Navis and K. Patrick. 2015. Scenarios for Australia in 2050: A Synthesis and Proposed Survey. Journal of Future Studies 19(3): 49-76.
- Russell-Smith, J., D. Lindenmayer, I. Kubiszewski, P. Green, R. Costanza, A. Campbell. 2015. Moving beyond evidence-free environmental policy. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13(8): 441-448.
- Costanza R., I. Kubiszewski, E. Giovannini, L.H. Lovins, J. McGlade, K. E. Pickett, K.V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Roberts, R. De Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2014. Time to leave GDP behind. Nature 505: 283-285.
- Costanza, R., R. de Groot, P. Sutton, S. van der Ploeg, S. Anderson, I. Kubiszewski, and Steve Farber. 2014. Changes in the global value of ecosystems services. Global Environmental Change 26: 152-158.
- Costanza, R., K. Chichakly, V. Dale, S. Farber, D. Finnigan, K. Grigg, S. Heckbert, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lee, S. Liu, P. Magnuszewski, S. Maynard, N. McDonald, R. Mills, S. Ogilvy, P.L. Pert, J. Renz, L. Wainger, M. Young, and C.R. Ziegler. 2014. Simulation games that integrate research, entertainment, and learning around ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 10: 195-201.
- Stoeckl, N., M. Farr, S. Larson, V. M. Adams, I. Kubiszewski, M. Esparon and R. Costanza. 2014. A new approach to the problem of overlapping values: A case study in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services 10(0): 61-78.
- Costanza, R., J. McGlade, L.H. Lovins, I. Kubiszewski. 2014. An Overarching Goal for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Solutions 5(4): 13-16.
- Costanza, R., M. Hart, I. Kubiszewski, and J. Talbert. 2014. A Short History of GDP: Moving Towards Better Measures of Human Well-being. Solutions 5(1): 91-97.
- Ragnarsdottir, K.V., R. Costanza, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, K.E. Pickett, D. Roberts, R. De Vogli, R. Wilkinson. 2014. Beyond GDP. Geologist Online. The Geological Society.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, C. Franco, P. Lawn, J. Talberth, T. Jackson, and C. Aylmer. 2013. Beyond GDP: Measuring and Achieving Global Genuine Progress. Ecological Economics 93: 57-68.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, L Dorji, P. Thoennes, K. Tshering. 2013. An Initial Estimate of the Value of Ecosystem Services in Bhutan. Ecosystem Services 3: e11-e21.
- Kubiszewski I., R. Costanza, P. Paquet, and S. Halimi. 2013. Alternative Evaluation Methods for Hydropower Development in the Lower Mekong Basin. Regional Environmental Change 13(1): 3-15.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, and T. Kompas. 2013. The University Unbound: Transforming Higher Education. Solutions 4 (2): 36-40.
- Costanza, R., J. McGlade, S. de Bonvoisin, P. Fagerholm, J. Farley, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, F. Moore Lappé, H. Lovins, K. Pickett, G. Norris, T. Prugh, K.V. Ragnarsdottir, D. Roberts, and R. Wilkinson. 2013. The Future We Really Want. Solutions 4(4): 37-43.
- Molnar, J.L., and I. Kubiszewski. 2012. Managing Natural Wealth: Ecosystem services in the United States and Canada. Ecosystem Services 2: 45-55.
- Costanza R. and I. Kubiszewski. 2012. The authorship structure of “ecosystem services” as a transdisciplinary field of scholarship. Ecosystem Services 1: 16-25.
- Jarchow M. E., I. Kubiszewski, G. L. D. Larsen, G. Zdorkowski, R. Costanza, S. R. Gailans, N. Ohde, R. Dietzel, S. Kaplan, J. Neal, M. R. Petrehn, T. Gunther, S. N. D’Adamo, N. McCann, A. Larson, P. Damery, L. Gross, M. Merriman, J. Post, M. Sheradin, and M. Liebman. 2012. The Future of Agriculture and Society in Iowa: Four Scenarios. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 10(1): 76–92.
- Costanza, R., S. van der Leeuw, K. Hibbard, S. Aulenbach, S. Brewer, M. Burek, S. Cornell, C. Crumley, J. Dearing, C. Folke, L Graumlich, M. Hegmon, S. Heckbert, S.T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, V. Scarborough, P. Sinclair, S. Sörlin, W. Steffen. 2012. Developing an Integrated History and future of People on Earth (IHOPE). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4(1): 106-114.
- Van der Leeuw, S., R. Costanza, S. Aulenbach, S. Brewer, M. Burek, S. Cornell, C. Crumley, J. A. Dearing, C. Downy, L. J. Graumlich, S. Heckbert, M. Hegmon, K. Hibbard, S. T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sinclair, S. Sörlin, and W. Steffen. 2011. Toward an integrated history to guide the future. Ecology and Society 16(4): 2.
- Kubiszewski, I., T. Noordewier, and R. Costanza. 2011. Perceived Credibility of Internet Encyclopedias. Computers & Education 56, 659-667.
- Bohensky, E., J. Butler, R. Costanza, I. Bohnet, A. Delisle, K. Fabricius, M. Gooch, I. Kubiszewski, G. Lukacs, P. Pert, and E. Wolanski. 2011. Future makers or future takers? A scenario analysis of climate change and the Great Barrier Reef. Global Environmental Change 21: 876-893.
- Allen, J., J. DuVander, I. Kubiszewski, E. Ostrom. Institutions for Managing Ecosystem Services. Solutions Vol 2, No. 6. November 2011.
- Costanza R., I. Kubiszewski, D. Ervin, R. Bluffstone, J. Boyd, D. Brown, H. Chang, V. Dujon, E. Granek, S. Polasky, V. Shandas, A. Yeakley. 2011. Valuing ecological systems and services. F1000 Biology Reports 3:14.
- de Groot R., R. Costanza, D. van den Broeck, J. Aronson, B. Burkhard, E. Gomez-Baggethun, R. Haines-Young, I. Kubiszewski, F. Mueller, I. Petrosillo, M. Potschin, S. van der Ploeg, and G. Zurlini. A Global Partnership for Ecosystem Services. Solutions Vol 2, No. 6. November 2011.
- Costanza, R. C. Cleveland, B. Cooperstein, and I. Kubiszewski. 2011. Can nuclear power be part of the solution? Solutions Vol 2, No. 3. April 2011. Reprinted in:
- EU Energy Policy Blog, April 11 2011
- Treehugger, April 14, 2011
- Kubiszewski, I., J. Farley, and R. Costanza. 2010. The production and allocation of information as a good that is enhanced with increased use. Ecological Economics 69, 1344–1354.
- Kubiszewski, I., C. J. Cleveland, and P. K. Endres. 2010. Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems. Renewable Energy. 35(1): 218-225.
- Beddoe, R., R. Costanza, J. Farley, E. Garza, J. Kent, I. Kubiszewski, L. Martinez, T. McCowen, K. Murphy, N. Myers, Z. Ogden, K. Stapleton, J. Woodward. 2009. Overcoming systemic roadblocks to sustainability: The evolutionary redesign of worldviews, institutions, and technologies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(8): 2483-2489.
Book Chapters
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, S. Anderson, and P. Sutton. (In Press). The Future Value of Ecosystem Services: Global Scenarios and National Implications. In K.N. Ninan (editor). Environmental Assessments: Scenarios, Modelling and Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: 80-105.
- Kubiszewski, I. 2019. The Genuine Progress Indicator: A Measure of Net Economic Welfare. In B. Fath. Encyclopedia of Ecology (Second Edition). Elsevier, Oxford: 327-335.
- Russell-Smith, J., K.K. Sangha, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, and A. Edwards. 2019. Towards a Sustainable, Diversified Land Sector Economy for North Australia. Chapter 5, pp. 85-132 in: Russell-Smith, J., H. Pedersen, G. James, and K.K. Sangha (editors). Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA.
- Costanza R., M. Hart, I. Kubiszewski, S. Posner, J. Talberth. 2018, Lessons from the history of GDP in the effort to create better indicators of Prosperity, Well-being and Happiness. Chapter 7, pp. 117-123: in S. Bell and S. Morse (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
- Anderson, S., A. Giordano, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sutton, J. Maes, and A. Neale. 2017. National ecosystem service mapping approaches. Chapter 5, pp. 239-245 in: B. Burkhard and J. Maes (editors). Ecosystem Services Mapping. Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria.
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski. 2016. A Nexus Approach to Urban and Regional Planning Using the Four-Capital Framework of Ecological Economics. Chapter 4, pp. 79-111 in: H. Hettiarachchi and R. Ardakanian (editors). Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach: Managing Water, Soil, and Waste in the Context of Global Change. Springer.
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2015. Measuring Genuine Social Progress. Chapter 5, pp 44-51 in: J. Murray, D. McBain, and T. Wiedmann (editors). The Sustainability Practitioner’s Guide to Social Analysis and Assessment. Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, S. Anderson, and P. Sutton. 2015. The future of ecosystem services: Global and national scenarios. Chapter 3b, pp. 64-77 in N. Stewart (editor). The value of land: Prosperous lands and positive rewards through sustainable land management. ELD Initiative. Bonn, Germany.
- Anderson, S., P. Sutton, I. Kubiszewski, and R. Costanza. 2015. The future of ecosystem services: Impacts on ecosystem service values, and global and national scenarios. Chapter 3a, pp. 50-62 in N. Stewart (editor). The value of land: Prosperous lands and positive rewards through sustainable land management. ELD Initiative. Bonn, Germany.
- Farley, J. and I. Kubiszewski. 2015. The Economics of Information in a Post-Carbon Economy. Chapter, pp 199-222 in: P.W. Elliott and D.H. Hepting (editors). Free Knowledge: Confronting the Commodification of Human Discovery. University of Regina Press, Regina, Canada.
- Pert, P.L., R. Costanza, E. Bohensky, J. Butler, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sutton, and L. Maack. 2014. The ecosystem service value of protected areas for cyclone protection in Queensland, Australia. Chapter, pp. 1-14 in: R. Murti and C. Buyck (editors). Safe Havens: Protected Areas for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
- Costanza, R., and I. Kubiszewski. 2014. Why We Need Visions of a Sustainable and Desirable Future. Chapter 1 in: R. Costanza and I. Kubiszewski (editors). Envisioning a Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 global thought leader. World Scientific, Singapore. Pp: 3-8.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2014. What Would a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature Look Like? Chapter 5 in: R. Costanza and I. Kubiszewski (editors). Envisioning a Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 global thought leader. World Scientific, Singapore. Pp: 33-49.
- Steffen, W., J. Rockström, I. Kubiszewski, and R. Costanza. 2013. Planetary Boundaries: Using early warning signals for sustainable global governance. Chapter in: P. Lawn (editor). Globalisation, Economic Transition, and the Environment: Forging a Path to Sustainable Development. Pages: 259–275.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2013. Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. In: State of the World 2013. Worldwatch Institute. Washington, D.C.
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2012. Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Prosperity. Chapter 16, pp. 177-182. In: State of the World 2012. Worldwatch Institute. Washington, D.C.
- de Groot, R., J. Allen, J. DuVander, I. Kubiszewski, E. Ostrom, R. Costanza, D. van den Broeck. 2012. Integrating ecology and economics. Chapter in: The Ecosystem Promise. Meindert Brouwer Partner in Communicatie. Bunnik, the Netherlands.
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2012. A Fair Share of the Information Commons. Pp 121-129 in: J. Murray, G. Cawthorne, C. Dey and C. Andrew (Eds.). Enough for all forever: A handbook for learning about sustainability. Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois.
- Costanza, R., E. Bohensky, J. Butler, I. Bohnet, A. Delisle, K. Fabricius, M. Gooch, I. Kubiszewski, G. Lukacs, P. Pert, and E. Wolanski. 2011. A scenario analysis of climate change and ecosystem services for the Great Barrier Reef. Pp. 305-326. In: van den Belt M. and Costanza R. (eds) Volume 12, “Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts”. In Wolanski E. and McLusky D.S. (eds) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Academic Press, Waltham MA
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, J. Roman, and P. Sutton. 2011. Changes in ecosystem services and migration in low-lying coastal areas over the next fifty years. Chapter in: Global Environmental Migration. UK Government Office for Science.
- Croner, T. and I. Kubiszewski. 2011. Focusing on Solutions: The Future of Media. Chapter in: Dream of a Nation. SEE Innovation. Asheville, North Carolina.
- Costanza, R., J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski. 2010. Adapting Institutions for Life in a Full World. Chapter in: State of the World 2010. Worldwatch Institute. Washington, D.C.