Ross H. McLeod
BE (Civ) (Melb), BA (Melb), PhD (ANU)
Honorary Associate Professor
I have been working in and on Indonesia in various capacities - postgraduate student, consultant and academic researcher - since 1978, and speak Indonesian fluently. I was Editor of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies from 1998 through 2011.
Career highlights
- Lecturer in Economics, ANU (1982-84); Managing Director, Ricardo, Smith Pty Ltd, Economics and Banking Consultants (1984 to present); Fellow/Senior Fellow/Associate Professor, Indonesia Project, ANU (1992 to 2011); Associate Editor, Agenda, (2001-2005); Editor, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (1998 to 2011).
Research Interest
Much of my work in recent years has been related to the economic crisis that began in Indonesia in mid-1997, with particular emphasis on analysing its causes, how it was handled (particularly the role of the IMF), and how similar occurrences might be prevented in the future. I also have a strong interest in monetary and exchange rate policy, financial sector policies, privatisation, corruption and public sector reform in Indonesia.
- ‘Indonesia’s New Deposit Guarantee Law’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 42 (1), April 2006.
- ‘The Struggle to Regain Effective Government Under Democracy in Indonesia’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 41 (3), December 2005.
- ‘Banking Collapse and Restructuring in Indonesia, 1997-2001’ (jointly, with George Fane), Cato Journal, Fall 2002.
- ‘The Financial Evolution of Small Businesses in Indonesia’, in Dale W. Adams and Del Fitchett (eds), Informal Finance in Low-Income Countries, Westview Press, Boulder, 249-264, 1991.
- (ed.) Indonesia Assessment 1994: Finance as a Key Sector in Indonesia’s Development, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1994.
- ‘Explaining Chronic Inflation in Indonesia’, Journal of Development Studies, 33(3), 392-410, February 1997.
- (ed. with Ross Garnaut) East Asia in Crisis: From Being a Miracle to Needing One? Routledge, London and New York, 1998.
- ‘Control and Competition: Banking Deregulation and Re-regulation in Indonesia’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 4(2), 258-297, 1999.