Dr Sophie Yates

Dr Sophie Yates

PhD, M.AppLing, B.Arts/B.Mus(Hons)

Sophie Yates is a Senior Research Fellow at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU and was previously Research Fellow at the Public Service Research Group, School of Business, UNSW Canberra and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). Her research focuses on value creation in public services, particularly for those from marginalised groups. She has published on issues such as gender and family violence, disability policy, and services for people leaving prison. She is Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of Social Issues and editorial board member of Public Management Review and the Australian Journal of Public Administration. She has published in top international journals and won several awards for her research.

Sophie is currently working with Dr Elise Remling (University of Canberra) and Dr Katie Moon (UNSW Canberra) on developing a social network-based model for community disaster preparedness, and a resource toolkit to support the approach. This work is funded by an Asia-Pacific Innovation Program grant.

Expertise Area(s)

Social Policy
Public Administration
Gender-based violence

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