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The Crawford Economics PhD is a degree program that applies the discipline of economics to matters of public policy. As Australia’s national university, the ANU is home to the country’s leading group of economists concerned with economic policy. In applications as diverse as international trade and finance, economic development, agriculture, natural resources, and the environment, ANU economists are national and world leaders. Their interests encompass policy issues in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, and other countries of the world. Crawford Economics PhD brings this expertise together to inform a new generation of researchers and policy makers through postgraduate research training.

An important feature of the Crawford Economics PhD is a year of coursework that is tailored to budding researchers in the economic analysis of public policy. The applied and policy-oriented nature of these courses are what distinguish this PhD degree from the companion Economics PhD program at the ANU College of Business and Economics. The two programs work with similar rules and procedures.


Students studying a PhD program in Economics undertake part-time of full-time study that is comprised of Coursework (Part A) and Research (Part B). All PhD candidates must complete both parts of the doctoral program. Part A normally consists of two consecutive semesters of coursework; part B consists of research, participation in seminars and workshops, and submission of a thesis.

Step 1: Check your eligibility

To be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy, Economics PhD program you are required to have:

  • A Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours Division A in economics with a minimum weighted average of 75 from an Australian Go8 university or equivalent, or
  • A Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours Division A with a minimum weighted average of 75 from an Australian Go8 university or equivalent that includes a major or equivalent in economics or is complemented by a Master degree or equivalent in economics, or
  • A Master degree in economics that is deemed by the Economics HDR Convenor to be at least equivalent to Second Class Honours Division A at ANU, with a minimum weighted average of 75, or
  • A Master degree in economics that is deemed by the Economics HDR Convenor to be at least equivalent to Second Class Honours Division A at ANU, with a minimum weighted average of 70 plus research experience, potentially including a research project at the Master level, academic publications, and/or research experience in a work setting.

In the above, economics includes specialised or closely related fields such as agricultural economics but does not include business or accounting. Applications will be assessed by the Economics HDR Convenor.

Candidates are assumed to have a background in mathematical economics at least at the level of ECON6012 Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics or IDEC8015 Mathematical Methods in Applied Economics and in econometrics at least at the level of EMET8005 Econometric Methods and Modelling or IDEC8017 Econometric Techniques. Candidates who do not satisfy this requirement may be permitted to satisfy it while enrolled in Part A, but the course/s will not be counted toward the Part A coursework requirement.

All applicants must meet the University’s English Language Admission Requirements for Studentswhich requires PhD applicants whose first language is not English to have an overall IELTS score of 6.5 with a score of no less than 6.0 in each individual band.

Where relevant, it is possible for students to apply for credit for some of the Part A courses in line with the Research Awards Rule 2021.

Inquiries regarding the admission requirements and possible course credit may be addressed to the Economics HDR Convenor.

Step 2: Look for two possible supervisors

In Australia, PhD students must arrange a panel of at least three members: a Chair of Panel, a Primary Supervisor, and Associate Supervisor(s). On application, Crawford PhD candidates must provide written agreement from their proposed primary supervisor and a second academic confirming their willingness to supervise the applicant. Both supervisors should be from Crawford and within the same research field; however, the program convenor may approve alternative arrangements should circumstances warrant such an exception.

Please scroll through the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics list of academics for potential supervisors. Note that some of the listed academics might not be available to take on more students.

The profiles of academics associated with other departments in Crawford can be located as follows:

Step 3: Write the thesis proposal within 7–8 pages


Give a precise and informative description of the project.


A summary of the proposed research (approx. 300 words) that includes the key research question or hypothesis, the rationale for the research, the region under study, and the method to be employed in the research.

Aims & significance

A clearly focused statement of the overall purpose of the proposed research (i.e. why is it important?).

Research questions &/or hypotheses

The questions that the proposed research will address and/or the hypotheses that will be tested.

Literature review

Provide a preliminary review of the work that has been carried out in the field and the potential contributions of your research. Demonstrate that you are aware of the wider literature and that your proposed research engages with ongoing debates.


The proposal should set out initial ideas for the proposed methods. You should discuss how these methods are appropriate for the proposed project and indicate the likely feasibility of the proposed approach. Also please explain what type of data will be required and how they are proposed to be collected.


An indication of how the research will be carried out over the duration of a full-time (3–4 years) or part-time (6–8 years) PhD candidature.


If relevant, an indication of the funding that will be required (such as for fieldwork) and options for procuring external funding, as well any special materials or training that may be necessary for the successful completion of the project.

Institutional fit

A statement on why the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics is suitable for your project and an indication of potential supervisors.


A list of references cited in the proposal.

Step 4: Submit an expression of interest to potential supervisors

Step 4: Submit an expression of interest to potential supervisors

Before submitting an application for admission, you must submit an expression of interest by emailing the following documents to two potential supervisors:

• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Academic transcripts
• IELTS/TOEFL results (if applicable)
• Thesis proposal (max. 8 pages)

Your potential supervisors may arrange an interview with you either in person, by phone, or online.

Step 5: Make a formal application to ANU

Before applying, ensure you have:

  • written confirmation from two proposed Arndt-Corden Department of Economics (ACDE) academics (exceptions to be approved by the program convenor), stating their willingness to supervise you
  • contact details of at least 3 referees (at least 2 should be academic)
  • your research proposal (7-8 pages), reviewed and supported by your proposed supervisors
  • academic testamurs, transcripts and grading explanation/key
  • your CV, detailing
    • academic record
    • work experience (research-related components emphasised)
    • list of published research, specifying your role in its completion
    • major academic prizes (with evidence)

Crawford will assess your application within four to six weeks of receipt of a complete application.

Please see PhD Programs for further information and contact the ACDE’s HDR Convenor and/or for advice.

Part A - Compulsory coursework requirements

Crawford PhD in Economics students are required to complete 48 units of economics coursework in the first 12 months of candidature or part-time equivalent, of which a maximum of 12 units may come from completion of 6000-level courses and the 48 units must consist of:

- 6 units from the following compulsory courses:

- 6 units from the following advanced microeconomics courses:

- 6 units from the following advanced macroeconomics courses:

  • IDEC8008 Open Economy Macroeconomics, Finance, and Development
  • ECON8022 Macroeconomic Theory (Master)

- A minimum of 6 units from the following advanced econometrics courses:

- A maximum of 24 units from the set of courses below in accordance with the candidate’s research interests and on the advice of the candidate’s Chair of Panel:

Suitable electives offered by the Crawford School of Public Policy:

  • IDEC8010 Quantitative International Economics
  • IDEC8012 Quantitative Methods for Monetary Policy Analysis
  • IDEC8014 Quantitative Financial Economics
  • IDEC8018 Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • IDEC8020 Applied Economic Dynamics
  • IDEC8021 The Chinese Economy
  • IDEC8022 Economic Development
  • IDEC8025 Empirical Public Finance
  • IDEC8028 Microeconomics of Development
  • IDEC8030 Issues in Applied Macroeconomics
  • IDEC8034 Middle Eastern Economies
  • IDEC8035 Islamic Economies in Practice
  • IDEC8037 Pacific Economies and Politics
  • IDEC8053 Environmental Economics
  • IDEC8081 Economics of Incentives and Institutions
  • IDEC8088 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Principles and Practice
  • IDEC8089 Energy Economics
  • IDEC8127 Modelling the Global Economy
  • EMDV8080 International Climate Change Policy and Economics
  • EMDV8081 Domestic Climate Change Policy and Economics

Suitable electives offered by the Research School of Economics include:

Part B – Supervised research and thesis

Following successful completion of Part A, candidates commence Part B of the program comprising a period of study normally equivalent to between 24 and 36 months of full-time research. During this period, each candidate writes a doctoral thesis. Economics PhD theses commonly take the format of three or more essays (each with the general format of introduction, literature review, model(s), data, results, analysis, discussion, conclusion) as well as a general introduction and conclusion. Sometimes, a separate literature review is included after the general introduction. This format should encourage you to publish journal articles out of your thesis. This style of thesis is not a thesis by compilation. It is also possible to undertake a ‘book style’ or unitary thesis. You should discuss your thesis format with your supervisor.

When the thesis is complete, the candidate submits the thesis to be examined. The thesis will be examined by external examiners who are experts in the relevant field. The PhD degree is awarded solely on the basis of the examination of the research thesis.

During Part B, each candidate is encouraged to contribute regularly to seminars via regular attendance, constructive comments on the work of others, and presenting at least once a year.

Progress milestones in Part B

It is University policy that each candidate’s progress should be reviewed periodically. In every year of their PhD studies, PhD candidates are required to submit an Annual Plan, which outlines their research plan for the next twelve months, and a Progress Report, which summarises their progress in their research and also discusses difficulties or changes in their research path, if any. The Progress Report and the Annual Plan form the basis of the student’s Annual Review. In addition to these, in the second year, candidates must submit their Thesis Proposal for review. The proposal is a description of the research questions to be studied in the thesis, and a discussion of the structure of the thesis and its time plan. From this document the student’s supervisory panel can judge the originality, significance, adequacy, and achievability of the thesis plan.

Tell me more about ANU policies in relation to Higher Degree Research students.