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The Resources, Environment and Development (RE&D) program at Crawford School provides theoretically rigorous research training and teaching on contemporary environmental, economic and social transformations in the Asia-Pacific region

The RE&D program has a critical mass of scholars working on issues that matter to governments, businesses and communities in the Asia-Pacific region. RE&D researchers cover areas including environmental sustainability, climate change, rural development, forestry, land tenure, food security, gender inequality, environmental justice, extractive industries and natural resource management.
RE&D Scholars work in disciplines ranging from environmental and ecological economics and policy, political ecology, human geography, and the anthropology of development. This diversity creates an exciting, cross-disciplinary dialogue. We offer PhD students a solid grounding in diverse approaches, methodologies of research, and analytical tools for policy analysis.

While our research is primarily focused on South Asia, China, Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia, we also work on major global issues that impact on regional and local environmental sustainability.


Students studying a PhD program in Economics undertake part-time of full-time study that is comprised of Coursework (Part A) and Research (Part B). All PhD candidates must complete both parts of the doctoral program. Part A normally consists of two consecutive semesters of coursework; part B consists of research, participation in seminars and workshops, and submission of a thesis.


Step 1: Check your eligibility

To be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy, Resource, Environment and Development program you are required to have achieved:

  • First Class Honours from an Australian Go8 university or equivalent
  • A minimum of an H2A degree with a minimum weighted average of 75 from an Australian Go8 university or equivalent.
  • A Master’s Degree in social science or related fields of social studies with a proven academic publication record as a first author. These will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

If you are not sure whether you can meet these criteria, please contact the RE&D Convenor for advice. You may be granted admission if you can demonstrate that you have a background equivalent to these qualifications.

All applicants must meet the University’s English Language Admission Requirements for Studentswhich requires PhD applicants whose first language is not English to have an overall IELTS score of 6.5 with a score of no less than 6.0 in each individual band.


Step 2: Look for two possible supervisors

In Australia, PhD students must arrange a panel of at least three members: a Chair of Panel, a Primary Supervisor (who may be the same person), and Associate Supervisor(s). On application, Crawford PhD candidates must provide written agreement from their proposed primary supervisor and a second academic confirming their willingness to supervise the applicant. Both supervisors should be from Crawford and within the same research field; however, the program convenor may approve alternative arrangements should circumstances warrant such an exception.

Please scroll through the Environment Studies & Resource Management list of academics to search for potential supervisors. Note that some of the academics listed might not be available to take on more students.

The profiles of academics associated with other departments in Crawford can be located as follows:

Step 3: Write the thesis proposal within 7-8 pages

All applicants should include a section in their application detailing the viability of their project in the context of COVID restrictions. This section should either (a) explain how the project is not dependent on travel and/or fieldwork and therefore feasible regardless of restrictions in these domains; or (b) provide a 12-month plan outlining how the project will proceed if the current restrictions on fieldwork and travel continue. Applicants should discuss the viability of their research project under COVID restrictions with their proposed supervisors prior to submitting the application.


Give a precise and informative description of the project.


A summary of the proposed research (approximately 7-8 pages) that includes the key research question or hypothesis, the rationale for the research, the region under study, and the method to be employed in the research.

Aims & significance

A clearly focused statement of the overall purpose of the proposed research (ie, why is it important?).

Research questions &/or hypotheses

The questions that the proposed research will address and/or the hypotheses that will be tested.

Literature review

You need to demonstrate that are aware of the wider literature published internationally and your research can be engaged with the on-going debates. Therefore, you need to provide a preliminary review of the key research that has already been carried out in the field and identification of the gaps in the literature that the proposed research aims to fill.


It is crucial that your proposal to spells out at least initial ideas for the methodology. You should discuss how the proposed methodology is appropriate for the proposed project and indicate the likely feasibility of the proposed approach. Explain what type of data will be required and how it will be collected, and how the data will be analysed.


An indication of how the research will be carried out over the duration of a full-time (3-4 years) or part-time (6-8 years) PhD candidature.


An indication of the funding that will be required over the course of the candidature (e.g. for fieldwork) and options for procuring external funding, as well any special materials or training that may be necessary for the successful completion of the project.

Institutional fit

A statement on why RE&D is suitable for your project and an indication of potential supervisors/advisors.


A list of references cited in or relevant to the proposal.

Step 4: Submit an expression of interest and contact the potential supervisors

Before submitting an application for admission, you must submit an expression of interest by emailing the following documents to two potential supervisors.

  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Academic transcripts
  • IELTS/TOEFL results (if applicable)
  • Thesis proposal (max. 8 pages)

Your potential supervisors might arrange an interview with you either in person or by phone, or online.

Step 5: Make a formal application to ANU

  • Before applying, ensure you have:

  • written confirmation from two proposed Environment & Resources (READ) academics (exceptions to be approved by the program convenor), stating their willingness to supervise you;
  • contact details of at least 3 referees (at least 2 should be academic);
  • your research proposal (7-8 pages), reviewed and supported by your proposed supervisors;
  • academic testamurs, transcripts and grading explanation / key
  • your CV, detailing
    • academic record,
    • work experience (research-related components emphasised);
    • list of published research, specifying your role in its completion
    • major academic prizes (with evidence)


Crawford will assess your application within four- to- six weeks of receipt of a complete application.

Please contact the RE&D HDR Convenor and/or, and see PhD Programs, for further information and advice.

Coursework Requirement

Crawford PhD in Resources, Environment and Development students are required to complete 12 units of coursework, which must consist of:

  • CRWF9000 Fostering Public Policy Research (0 units)

and 12 units from the following research courses:

  • EMDV9102 Research Methods for Environmental Management (Semester 1, 6 units)
  • EMDV9008 Research Proposal (Semester 1, 6 units)
  • EMDV9066 Advanced Research Project in Environmental Management & Development (Semester 2, 6 units)