
China Update 2008


Confronting global challenges

Growth, the Environment and Rebalancing World Power

China Update 2008 was held on 14 July at the Australian National University.
» conference program [PDF 608KB]

Papers presented at China Update 2008 are the basis of the book China's Dilemma which can be obtained from ANU E Press.

East Asia Forum hosts ongoing discussion and analysis of issues raised at China Update 2008

Opening Address:
Martin Parkinson
Secretary of the Department of Climate Change
» view transcript

Keynote address: Confronting global challenges
Jeffrey Sachs
Columbia University
» view video

Concluding remarks
Ross Garnaut
Australian National University
» view video

Special address
Kevin Rudd
Prime Minister of Australia
» view video

Other video and presentation materials will be made available shortly.

Please contact Dominic Meagher if you would like to be informed about China Update 2009.

Updated:  5 May 2016/ Responsible Officer:  Crawford School Marketing/ Page Contact:  CAP Web Team