Community values for Catchment Management

State and Federal Agencies are frequently faced with the task of balancing competing demands for the natural resources under their jurisdictions. To facilitate that task, non-market valuation techniques can be applied to estimate the values of environmental changes in monetary terms. These value estimates can then be used in cost-benefit analyses of natural resource management investments.

Two studies undertaken within this project will aid the development of catchment management decision support tools. The Choice Modelling technique is used to estimate non-market values impacted by alternative natural resource management strategies. Key methodology issues that will be investigated include scope and scale effects, anchoring and framing effects and the incentive compatibility of Choice Experiments.

Study 1 = Application of choice modelling to the development of natural resource management strategies in NSW

The objective of the first study is to explore the application of Choice Modelling to estimate the values held by residents of NSW for a range of environmental benefits provided by potential NRM strategies in three NSW catchments (Namoi, Lachlan and Hawkesbury-Nepean). These values will be estimated in a format that makes them suitable for integration into the bio-physical modelling constructs of MOSAIC

(an integrated spatial optimisation model developed by ABARE with NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change) and consistent with the welfare economic principles that underpin benefit cost analysis. The results of the study will assist NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) with prioritization of their natural resource management investments.

The researchers associated with this project are:
Kasia Mazur – PhD scholar
Supervised by: Jeff Bennett – Crawford School of Public Policy; Kenton Lawson, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics

Study 2 = Integrating economic valuation and catchment modelling

The second study aims to support integrated catchment management by developing hydrological, ecological and economic models and linking them in a Bayesian Decision Network. The study involves the first application of Choice Modelling to assess non-market values affected by natural resource management in a Tasmanian catchment. The study is carried out in conjunction with the Landscape Logic Research Hub – specifically the Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre (iCAM) at ANU.

The researchers associated with this project are:
Marit Ellen Kragt – PhD scholar
Supervised by: Jeff Bennett – Crawford School of Public Policy; Tony Jakeman – Fenner School of Environment, iCAM; Lachlan Newham – Fenner School of Environment, iCAM.

Project outputs:

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., 2010, The Effects of a Provision Rule in Choice Modelling, EERH Research Report No 49.
» view online [PDF, 503KB]

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., 2009, Scale and scope effects on communities’ values for environmental improvements in the Namoi catchment: A Choice Modelling Approach, EERH Research Report No.42.
» view online [PDF, 616KB]

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., 2009, A Location differences in communities’ preferences for environmental improvements in selected NSW catchments: A Choice Modelling Approach, EERH Research Report No.21.
» view online [PDF, 444KB]

Kragt, M.E. and Bennett J., What’s appropriate? Investigating the Effects of Attribute Framing and Changing Cost Levels in Choice Experiments, EERH Research Report No.17, 2009
» view report [PDF, 582KB]

Kragt, M.E. and Bennett J., Using Choice Experiments to value River and Estuary Health in Tasmania with Individual Preference Heterogeneity, EERH Research Report No.16, 2009
» view report [PDF, 551KB]

Kragt, M.E. and Bennett J., Integrated Hydro-Economic Modelling: Challenges and Experiences in an Australian Catchment, EERH Research Report No.15, 2009
» view report [PDF, 441KB]

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., A Choice Modelling Survey of Community Attitudes to Improvements in Environmental Quality in NSW Catchments, EERH Research Report No.13, 2009
» view report [PDF, 0KB]

Kragt, M.E. and Bennett J., Designing Choice Experiments to Test for Anchoring and Framing Effects, EERH Research Report No.10, 2008
» view report [PDF, 258KB]

Kragt M., and Bennett J., Developing a questionnaire for valuing changes in Natural Resource Management in the George Catchment, Tasmania, EERH Research Reports No 8, (2008)
» view report [PDF, 1728KB]

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., Using focus groups to design a choice modelling questionnaire for estimating natural resource management benefits in NSW, EERH Research Reports No 2, (2008)
» view report [PDF, 0KB]

Mazur, K., Bennett, J., Choice modelling in the development of natural resource management strategies in NSW, EERH Research Reports No 1, (2008)
» view report [PDF, 240KB]


Final project reports

How much is the environment worth?
Catchment management decisions in the Hawkesbury-Nepean
» view report [PDF, 274KB]

How much is the environment worth?
Catchment management decisions in the Lachlan
» view report [PDF, 270KB]

How much is the environment worth?
Catchment management decisions in the Namoi
» view report [PDF, 277KB]

How much is the environment worth?
Catchment management decisions in NSW
by Jeff Bennett with Ian Close
» view report [PDF, 939KB]


Updated:  10 March 2015/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement /Page Contact:  CAP Web Team