2010 Annual Environmental Economics Hub Workshop
Adelaide Convention Centre



Tuesday 9 February

8:30am - 9.00am

Registration with Tea and Coffee

9:00am - 9:30am Welcome and Introduction to the Hub, Jeff Bennett, ANU
» view [PDF, 37KB]

Chair: R. Quentin Grafton, ANU - Markets for the Environment

9:30am – 10:30am

Topic - Measuring and evaluating water quality improvements in Great Barrier Reef catchments
Speaker: John Rolfe
» view [PDF, 353KB]


Topic - Impact of climate change on Australian agriculture: Evidence from property values.
Speaker: Michael Ward and Jared Dent
» view [PDF, 3278KB]


Topic - Policy insights from urban water pricing in Australia
Speaker: Quentin Grafton
» view [PDF, 468KB]


10:30am - 11:00am

Morning Tea

11:00am - 11:30am Topic - Economically Efficient Expansion of Protected Area Networks: An Empirical Study in Ontario, Canada
Speaker: Peter Boxall (U Alberta)
» view [PDF, 1795KB]

Chair: Chair: Frank Jotzo, ANU - Climate Change

11:30am - 12:30pm

Topic - Energy trajectories and mitigation commitments
Speaker: David Stern & Peter Wood
» view [PDF, 617KB]


Topic - Climate adaptation programs and preferences
Speaker: Jacqueline de Chazal & Leo Dobes
» view [PDF, 541KB]



12:30pm - 1:30pm


Chair: Jeff Bennett, ANU - Emerging research issues

1:30pm - 2:00pm

Topic - Water use adaptation under climatic change: The role of demand side management.
Speaker: Ralf Steinhauser
» view [PDF, 649KB]


Topic - Valuation of Cultural Heritage
Speaker: David Throsby
» view [PDF, 58KB]

Chair: Tom Kompas, ANU - Social and Economic Analysis

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Topic - Experimental assessment of ETS design options
Speaker: Regina Betz
» view [PDF, 392KB]


Topic - Auditing water extractions: an outlier detection approach
Speaker: Lisa Lee
» view [PDF, 504KB]

  Topic - Policy Insights from the Bioeconomic Modelling of Marine Protected Areas
Speaker: Quentin Grafton
» view [PDF, 69KB]

3:00pm - 3:30pm

Afternoon Tea

Chair: John Rolfe, - Environmental valuation

3:30pm - 4:30pm Topic - Catchment planning in NSW
Speaker: Jeff Bennett
» view [PDF, 210KB]
  Topic - Managing the Great Barrier Reef
Speaker: John Rolfe
» view [PDF, 428KB]

Chair: Jeff Bennett, ANU - Future issues: an open discussion

4:30pm -5:00pm  


Updated:  10 March 2015/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement /Page Contact:  CAP Web Team