International students

Crawford School has seen many of its students receive scholarships to fully or partially fund their study in Canberra. There are a range of scholarships available and students are encouraged to look for scholarship opportunities from a variety of sources, including home government and international agencies, foundations and corporations, universities in your home country, the Australian mission in your home country, or by searching the internet, etc. The list below is a starting point, so please do some research yourself to find other funding opportunities in your home country.

Remember, if you apply for a scholarship or other funding support, the application process may take several months, so you need to start well ahead of the start date for any particular course that you may be hoping to do. However, for some types of funding you need to have secured an offer of admission from us before you can be considered for financial support - so always check.

For ANU scholarship information, please visit

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP)

Since its establishment in 1987, the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) has awarded scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at universities renowned for their development research and teaching. In its Regular Program, the JJ/WBGSP has awarded scholarships to over 6,000 scholars to complete graduate degrees in development-related fields.

Collaborating with ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, the World Bank offers the JJ/WBGSP Scholarships to applicants who meet ANU admission requirements and receive unconditional offers to study at Crawford School’s participating programs.

Participating programs:

Master of Climate Change

Master of Environmental and Resource Economics

Master of Environmental Management and Development

Master of Public Policy

To find details about this program, visit the program page here: Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP)

Australian Government Scholarships

Australia Awards
Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship

Supplementary Programs
Allison Sudradjat Prize

About the Australia Awards

The Australia Awards bring together international scholarships provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Department of Education, and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

The main Awards offered through the aid program have been renamed as follows, and were previously administered by AusAID. The name change does not change any of the conditions of the scholarships:

  • Australian Development Scholarships are now Australia Awards Scholarship

Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS)

The Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) provides opportunities for people from selected developing countries to study in Australia. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is the Australian Government department that manages Australia’s overseas aid program. The aid program’s objective is to help developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in line with Australia’s national interest. Through scholarships, the Australian Government seeks to develop the capacity and leadership skills of awardees so that they can contribute to development in their home country and to build people to people linkages at the individual, institutional and country levels. There is usually one annual selection round in each country.

Each participating country has different selection processes and timelines.

Further information on individual country processes can be obtained from the Australian Embassy/High Commission in the country of citizenship.

Australia Awards Fellowships

The Australia Awards Fellowships program has been discontinued. For information on continuing programs please refer to the Australia Awards page.

Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships

As part of the 2019-20 Budget, the Australian Government has announced there will be no further rounds of the Endeavour Leadership Program (ELP).The Australian Government will continue to support current Endeavour program cohorts (2014-19) until scholars have finished their program. Current individual students and Institutions should continue to direct their queries to Scope Global and any further enquiries can be directed to

Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship

Each year the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training provides funding to Universities to award scholarships to International students undertaking Higher Degree Research programs. From 1 January 2017, the Australian Government is replacing the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) with a single program, the Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP or RTP). As current support programs are not continuing beyond 1 January 2017, the University is required by legislation to transfer all IPRS recipients to the new Australian Government Research Training Program International Fee Offset Scholarship. The AGRTP covers tuition fees for three years with the possibility of two six month extensions and provides program length overseas student health cover for the student (Student Visa Subclass 500 only) and their immediate family.

Contact us

The Crawford School is pleased to provide a dedicated team who provide special assistance and advice to our recognised sponsored students and sponsoring authorities.

Contact Details E:


Good Universities Guide - Scholarship Database

Good Universities Guide scholarship finder is search engine that contains information about scholarships. The scholarships in the database apply to Australian students wishing to study at home or abroad, and to international students wishing to study in Australia.

Rotary International - Ambassadorial Scholarships

The Scholarships program furthers international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors academic year scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homeland to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The World Wildlife Fund is the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by close to 5 million globally. WWF’s unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. The World Wildlife Fund has posted a list of 10 tips to help you to win a scholarship.



The Australia Awards Scholarships are available to a number of countries within Africa.
Scholars4Development provides a comprehensive list of other scholarship opportunities.


Azerbaijan Government Scholarship Program


Australia Awards


Brazilian Ministry of Education The Brazilian Ministry for Education through the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordinating Office for the Advancement of Higher Education Students; CAPES) is responsible for postgraduate study in Brazil. CAPES manages areas of international cooperation and scholarship agreements with several countries and provides funds for students to study in Doctoral and Sandwich programs.

Science without Borders - CSF – Ciencia Sem Fronteiras(SWB – Sciences Without Borders) Scholarship for research programs in areas relevant to Engineering, Sciences, Resources, Energy and Sustainability. For more information on the Science without borders program (

CNPq Scholarships The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; CNPq) is dedicated to the promotion of scientific and technological research and to the formation of human resources for research in Brazil. CNPq provides support to individuals and research groups and offers scholarships for post-doctoral studies, PhDs, and sandwich PhDs. Funds may also be available for Brazilian researchers to conduct international collaborations based on priority areas under the visiting academics scheme.

Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) FINEP (under the Ministry of Science and Technology) supports major sector programs in innovation, science and technology for public and private institutions in Brazil. Grants are generally provided to undertake research projects, projects in partnership with companies and for provision of studies or events and conferences for knowledge exchange. FINEP also manages the INOVAR project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and RHAE grants that provide scholarships to institutions and business to employ experts to work on approved short-term projects. All grants are awarded through calls for proposals.

State of Sao Paolo Research Foundation (FAPESP) FAPESP provides grants and fellowships for researchers and academics in the State of Sao Paolo. Fellowships may be available for post-doctoral and doctoral students to study overseas. Grants are available for research projects under broad themes and a fund is also available for visiting academics and attendance at international conferences.

Divisão de Temas Educacionais/Ministério das Relações Exteriores(Educational Topics Division, Ministry of Foreign Relations)


RCSC in conjunction with the Crawford School provides scholarships to employees of government departments to undertake studies in the School. Some 40 staff have taken up the scholarship over recent years.
Australia Awards for Bhutan


The ANU has a designated Office to manage the Canadian Government Financial Loan Schemes.
To coordinate your loan application please contact: Canadian and US Student Loan Office, Office of Policy and Regulation. Email:


BECAS and CONICYT Scholarships The Chile Bicentennial Scholarship(BECAS) program is aimed at improving Chile’s global competitiveness by improving the quality and scope of academic, professional and technical education.

CONICYT is the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, which promotes, strengthens and disseminates scientific and technological research, to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of Chile. CONICYT anticipates needs for advanced human capital in Chile, and aims to increase the number of postgraduate professionals to supply universities, enterprise and government. Details of the programs are in Spanish.


China Scholarship Council (CSC) The Australian National University (ANU) and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have entered into a collaborative arrangement to provide research opportunities to select high quality research students from the PRC.


COLFUTURO is a joint public and private sector initiative aimed at facilitating the access of Colombian professionals to further education abroad. It provides Colombian students with more and better study opportunities and enables them to contribute with their experiences of studying abroad to the economic and social development of Colombia. Created as a non-profit organization on November 20, 1991, its mission is to contribute to the entrance of Colombia into a world undergoing globalization by offering information about international education and supporting students to have a successful study experience overseas.

Colciencias is the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, and can provide further information about scholarships/funding.


The Ecuadorian Government, through the Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología(SENESCYT) scholarships offer Ecuadorian professionals the opportunity to continue their academic formation in masters and PhD programs abroad. Presently Australia has been removed from the approved countries to study. Programs

For all application inquiries and updates, please contact Latino Australian Education .


Scholarships awarded by the French government are available. Note that tuition fees will generally be waived by the ANU, as required under the rules for this scholarship. Scholarships from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of France


The ANU-Study Canberra India Scholarship offers ten(10) scholarships to high-achieving students from India who have applied for, and accepted , and offer at the ANU. Each scholarship is worth AUD$10,000. Scholarships and loans available for Indian students who wish to study overseas can be found on the Naukri’s Scholarship website. Indian Scholarships (Scholarships and loans for students from India)


Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) for Indonesia are funded by the Government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian universities.

DIKTI scholarships To date, the Indonesian Government has been providing opportunities for all lecturers to pursue further studies at leading Indonesian higher education institutions through BPPS Scholarships. In addition to this provision, starting from 2008, Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) through Human Resource Directorate (Direktorat Ketenagaan) offers scholarships to support the lecturers who would pursue Master’s and Doctoral degree at overseas universities.

SPIRIT scholarships The World Bank is supporting Indonesia to increase human capital development within government agencies. The development objective of the Scholarships Program for Strengthening Reforming Institutions Project for Indonesia(SPIRIT) is to build participating agencies’ capacity by strengthening their human resources in core functional areas; and enhancing their ability to initiate and manage reforms. The program is located in strategically important central agencies, those that are most important for realization of the Government’s national priority of improving ―soft infrastructure, as detailed in the RPJMN. The broader aim is for the SPIRIT program to become one key component of the Bureaucracy Reform Roadmap that all central government agencies are currently in the process of preparing. The current SPIRIT scholarship scheme has closed. Please refer to their website above for any future announcements.

Ministry of Trade The Ministry of Trade provides scholarships to their employees to undertake Master and PhD degree programs at the ANU. Staff should contact the Bureau for Personnel Affairs and Organization for more information.

LPDP – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Indonesian Education Scholarship(BPI) for Master and Doctoral Programs is a scholarship program funded by the Indonesian government through the use of National Trust for Education Development (DPPN) and is managed by LPDP to finance higher education in master or doctoral program in higher education in Indonesian or overseas institutions.


Bolashak scholarships are intended to support the most talented students from Kazakhstan to study in leading international universities to bring the country to higher level of development. The program aims to support 3,000 students annually. Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources. A reasonable number of students come to Australia on these scholarships, which support both undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework or research) studies.


Scholarships may be available from Petronas Education Scholarship, Petronas Group, the Yayasan Biasiswa Sarawak Tunku Abdul Rahman see also Yayasan Sime Darby, Sime Darby


Mexican citizens can apply for a Conacyt scholarship if the postgraduate program is on the PNP (Padron Nacional de Posgrado). The higher education institute is the one responsible for applying to the Conacyt scholarship on behalf of their students. The institute makes their own selection. Therefore, you must first be accepted to the study program and the higher education institute should find you eligible for the Conacyt scholarship.

Middle East

Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) Scholarship Program: CAAR scholarships are offered to citizens of the Arab League countries who wish to undertake short-term postgraduate study in Australia. CAAR was established by the Australian Government to strengthen ties between Australia and Arab countries. The Council’s role is to promote greater understanding and acceptance of Australian and Arab cultures, values, beliefs and diversity. The focus is on commercial and people-to-people links and to strengthen academic and educational ties. Scholarships include the following broad fields of study: natural resources and environmental science; mining, petroleum, oil and gas. Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education, King Abdullah Scholarship Sultanate of Oman Government United Arab Emirates EDAAD Scholarship Program Kuwait Ministry of Higher Education


Australia Awards


The Pakistan Government provides scholarships to undertake Master and PhD degree programs at the ANU. Higher Education Commission
Australia Awards

Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands

Australia Awards:


The Peruvian National Program for Scholarships and Educational Loans (PRONABEC) has announced the 2015 round of its international postgraduate scholarships program ” Becas Presidente de la República” for Peruvian citizens residing in Peru. Scholarships will be available for full-time masters programs (up to two years) and PhD programs (up to four years).

The PRONABEC application manual [PDF] has detailed information on how to apply for these scholarships.


Talentia Scholarships offer tuition fees and other financial assistance to Spanish nationals or nationals of a European Union Member State with a residential, educational or employment connection to the state of Andalusia, to undertake postgraduate programs at selected prestigious international universities including the ANU.

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT). Up to 4 years PhD study abroad (renewed annually).


Talentia Scholarships offer tuition fees and other financial assistance to Spanish nationals or nationals of a European Union Member State with a residential, educational or employment connection to the state of Andalusia, to undertake postgraduate programs at selected prestigious international universities including the ANU.


Thai Government Scholarships The Thai Government offers Thai students the opportunity to apply for a Thai Government Scholarship. Scholarships are normally available for students in their last year of their bachelor’s degree or who are currently studying for a masters or a PhD. The closing date for applications is normally July 31 each year.


The government Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) provides scholarships to Vietnamese nationals for study in Australia. Scholarships are for study in Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research programs, managed through the Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) office. Australia Awards for Vietnam:

United Kingdom

The Northcote Graduate Scholarship scheme enables students normally resident in the United Kingdom to undertake a higher degree at an Australian university for a period of up to three years. Applicants must ascertain their eligibility for an Australian graduate program. There are no limitations as to the field of study.

United States of America

Fulbright The Fulbright program fosters mutual understanding among nations through education and cultural exchanges. Grants are available for one year to postgraduate American students who require supervised fieldwork or who need to use Australian research facilities to earn credit towards their US degrees.

[Fulbright-Anne Wexler Master’s Award in Public Policy]( In 2009, the Australian Government established an annual scholarship program to recognize the many contributions by Mrs. Anne Wexler for her role in fostering Australian-American relations. The Anne Wexler Scholarships were part of the Australia Awards Program funded through the Australian Department of Education. The aim of the Fulbright-Anne Wexler Master’s Award in Public Policy is to grow Australian-American educational linkages by building a network of public policy experts and to encourage ongoing policy exchange between both countries. The award will enable U.S. students with strong academic credentials and leadership potential to undertake a master’s degree in Australia in a key area of public policy such as health, sustainability, energy, climate change, regional security, education, political science, history or government relations.

US Federal Student Aid The US Department of Education Federal Student Aid program is available to support American students to study at the Crawford School. The ANU has a designated Office to manage the US and Canadian Government Financial Loan Schemes.
To coordinate your loan application please contact: Canadian and US Student Loan Office, Office of Policy and Regulation. Email:

US to Australia Fellowship To promote educational exchange between Australia and the US, and strengthen science, technology and business relationships, the American Australian Association’s Education Fund awards several fellowships annually to Americans for advanced research and study in Australia. Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents doing research or study at the graduate level Masters, PhD or post-doctoral. Applicants must conduct well-defined research in one of the following fields: business, science (particularly oceanography, marine sciences and stem cell research), technology, medicine or engineering. Applicants must intend to return to the US, and need to demonstrate how their research will benefit the US and its relationship with Australia.

10 Tips for winning a scholarship (from the WWF website)

A team of experts from the Institute of International Education of Brazil (IEB), LASPAU, the University of Florida, and World Wildlife Fund’s Education for Nature program compiled the following list of helpful hints for use when applying to scholarship programs. These tips are based on years of experience administering international scholarship programs and participating in scholarship selection committees. We hope you will find them useful when seeking funds to support your academic program.

  1. Plan ahead! Keep a calendar of deadlines for scholarships. Some programs require that you apply as much as one year in advance. It can often take one month or more to get all the information and documents you need for a scholarship application. It is important you prepare well in advance.
  2. Don’t rely on just one scholarship! Apply to as many scholarships for which you are eligible to increase your chances of winning one of them. Often winning one scholarship will help you win others. You can find a list of over 150 scholarship and grant programs at
  3. Read all of the application instructions and the entire scholarship application before you complete it! Not following instructions correctly will count against you in the final selection of scholarship winners. Knowing all the questions you must answer on the application will help you plan how you would like to answer each question and avoid repeating yourself in different parts of the application.
  4. Make sure you are eligible! Read the eligibility requirements carefully. Many programs have age limits, nationality restrictions, or are intended for specific academic fields. If you are not eligible, your application is likely to be disregarded and thrown away by the scholarship administrators. This is not only a waste of your time, but also for your colleagues who provide you with letters of recommendation for scholarships.
  5. Know your audience! Tailor your application to the interests of the organization sponsoring the scholarship. Make sure the goals you express in your application match the goals of the scholarship program. Your essays should speak to the selection committee. If you are applying to a scholarship intended for a specific academic discipline, such as botany or anthropology, the selection committee will be experts in those fields. You must impress them with your in-depth knowledge of the subject. Don’t write about things that are obvious to experts. If the scholarship supports many fields, such as conservation and public health and engineering, the selection committee will probably not be experts in your field. You must educate the committee through your essays why your field is so important.
  6. Know your competition! All individuals who meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship to which you are applying are your competition. Are you competing against others from your own country or many countries? Are you competing against people in other fields or academic disciplines? To stand out among the competition, you must tailor your responses to questions to show how you are different and better from your competitors.
  7. Show your strengths and explain your weaknesses! Do not be shy when talking about yourself and your accomplishments. Your application should give the selection committee a clear idea of who you are, what you are studying, and your future goals. Be creative (but honest)! If there are weaknesses in your application, such as poor grades or lack of work experience, be prepared to explain them.
  8. Be clear and concise! When responding to essay questions do not exceed the maximum number of words or pages allowed. Use the minimum number of words required to clearly and completely express your ideas. Selection committees must read dozens of applications; they may not read your entire essay if it is too long. Have your friends and colleagues read your essay before your submit your application. If you are not a native speaker of the language in which you are writing, have someone who is fluent in the language read your essay. When possible use a word processor or typewriter to complete your application. And remember to use spell check if using a word processor!
  9. Double check your budget! If you are asked to provide a budget for your scholarship, make sure your costs are realistic — don’t ask for too much or too little. Ask only for funds for items that are covered by the scholarship and don’t ask for more than the maximum amount allowed by the scholarship. If you are receiving funds from your university or other scholarships, be sure to mention this in your application. Check your math to make sure your budget line items are added correctly. Poor math can count against you.
  10. Request letters of recommendations from people who know you well! Letters of recommendation are a very important part of any application. You should ask for letters of recommendation only from people who are able to talk about your unique abilities and skills. A well-written letter from a professor or a supervisor at work who knows you very well is more impressive than a letter from an important figure (such as a university president or the minister of the environment) who knows little about your academic goals. Make sure those who are writing letters of recommendation are familiar with the scholarship program. And don’t wait until the last minute to ask for your letters of recommendations!

ARC Laureate PhD Scholarships

An exciting opportunity exists for up to two PhD scholars to be part of an up to five-year Australian Research Council Laureate Program led by Professor Quentin Grafton beginning in April 2020. An attractive stipend of $27,609/year (tax free) is payable for each PhD scholar. Interested PhD scholars do not need to be from an particular discipline. The appointed PhD scholars, however, will need to be willing to undertake field research and be highly motivated to work as part of an interdisciplinary team that focuses on water values and water justice .

The overarching aim of the Laureate project, of which the PhD scholars will be a part, is to develop pioneering ways of valuing water and supporting resilient decision-making for water justice with a particular focus on Indigenous Peoples, especially Australia’s First Peoples. Project objectives include: (i) estimate multiple water values and the frequently ignored socio-cultural values of Australia’s First Peoples; (ii) deliver resilient decision-making in Australia, and other countries, to enable evidence-based policies and to ensure the socio-ecological systems, on which Indigenous and other communities are dependent, are resilient and can ‘bounce back’ following adverse events.; and (iii) create an enduring legacy of scholars with world-leading expertise in water valuation and resilient decision-making. The planned Australian field sites include the Barwon River, NSW and the Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia.

For further details or to apply for one of the PhD scholarships, please contact

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team