Pages tagged by "aid"

Aid and public opinion

What Australians really think about foreign aid.

Aid policy and Australian public opinion

Since 2013, Australian aid has been reduced and increasingly focused on delivering benefits to Australia. Motivated by these changes, this paper fills...

Trump funding cut a dangerous decision

'A disturbing disregard for the health and human rights of women.'

Gauging change in Australian aid

What the Aid Stakeholder Survey says about Australia’s aid programs.

Aiding women candidates in Solomon Islands: suggestions for development policy

This article discusses the poor performance of women candidates in Solomon Islands elections and potential aid policy responses. The article outlines...

Don't forget Africa

Disengagement from the region could be costly.

A fair budget?

Stephen Howes discusses aid cuts following the budget.

A year of growth

Annual report highlights a big year for the Development Policy Centre.

Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies
APPS Policy Forum logo
Development Policy Blog
East Asia Forum

Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team