The Australian National University

Crawford Research News

Crawford School of Public Policy
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

July 2012, Issue #2 View in your web browser

Publications in leading journals

Australia’s Carbon Price

Nature Climate Change

(Impact Factor: N/A, Due 2013)
Vol. 2, July 2012

Frank Jotzo

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» Coverage in The Economist

» Coverage in Project Syndicate

Comparing Approximation Techniques to Continuous-time Stochastic Dynamic Programming Problems: Applications to Natural Resource Modelling

Environmental Modelling and Software
(Impact Factor: 3.085)
Vol. 38, 2012

Tom Kompas, Long Chu

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Climate Change Scepticism and Public Support for Mitigation: Evidence from an Australian Choice Experiment

Global Environmental Change
(Impact Factor: 8.262)
May 2012

Sonia Akter, Jeff Bennett, Michael B. Ward

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The Role of Energy in the Industrial Revolution and Modern Economic Growth

The Energy Journal
(Impact Factor: 3.858)
Vol. 33, No. 3, 2012

David Stern, Astrid Kander

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The Prospects for Payment for Ecosystems Services (PES) in Vietnam: A Look at Three Payment Schemes

Human Ecology
(Impact Factor: 2.092)
Vol. 40, April 2012

Sango Mahanty

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A Tale of Two Courts: The Judicialization of Electoral Politics in Asia

(Impact Factor: 1.544)
Vol. 25, Issue 3, July 2012

Bjórn Dressel

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Large Dams and Changes in an Agrarian Society: Gendering the impacts of Damodar Valley Corporation in Eastern India

Water Alternatives
(Impact Factor: 1.754)
Vol. 5, Issue 2

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

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Willingness to Pay for Kerbside Recycling in Brisbane, Australia

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
(Impact Factor: 1.107)
June 2012

Jeff Bennett

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Where in the World is it Cheapest to Cut Carbon Emissions?

The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (Impact Factor: 1.061)
Vol 56, Issue 3, July 2012

David Stern, John C. V. Pezzey, N. Ross Lambie

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Coase Rules OK? Exploring Prospects for Private Sector Environmental Protection

Economic Record
(Impact Factor: 0.384)
Vol. 88, No. 281, June 2012

Jeff Bennett

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Pre-established Harmony: The Japanese Government's Demand for Japanese Government Bonds

Japan and the World Economy
(Impact Factor: 0.404)
Vol. 24, Issue 3, Aug 2012

Kazuki Onji, Keigo Kameda, Nobuo Akai

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Little Green Lies: Twelve Environmental Myths

March 2012

Jeff Bennett

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The Judicialization of Politics in Asia

May 2012

Bjórn Dressel

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Economic Reform Processes in South Asia:Toward Policy Efficiency

May 2012

Phillippa Dee

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Working papers



Profitability, Productivity and the Efficiency of Grain Production with Climate Impact: A Case Study of Western Australia

Crawford School Research Paper No. 12-08

Nhu Che, Tom Kompas, Vilaphonh Xayavong, David Cook

July 2012

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Language, Mixed Communes and Infrastructure: Sources of Inequality and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam

Crawford School Research Paper No. 12-07

Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Tom Kompas, Trevor Breusch, Michael B. Ward

July 2012

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A Guide to Subsistence Affluence

Crawford School Research Paper No. 12-06

John D. Conroy

April 2012

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Intimations of Keith Hart's 'Informal Economy' - In the Work of Henry Mayhew, P T Bauer and Richard Salisbury

Crawford School Research Paper No. 12-05

John D. Conroy

June 2012

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Other notable publications



A World Without Coral Reefs

International Herald Tribune
13 July 2012

Roger Bradbury

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Can Asia Help Power the Global Recovery?

Think Tank 20: New Challenges for the Global Economy, New Uncertainties for the G-20

Brookings Institution
July 2012

Peter Drysdale

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Institutional Designs for Diverse Democracies: Consociationalism, Centripetalism and Communalism Compared

European Political Science

Ben Reilly

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Achievements by students and PhDs

  Award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Dr. Moekti Prasetiani Soejachmoen.  Her PhD dissertation is "Why is Indonesia Left Behind in Global Production Network?".  Moekti was supervised by Hal Hill.   Congratulations Moekti, on your achievement!
  Award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Dr. Titik Anas.   Her PhD dissertation is "Behind the Boom and Bust of Indonesian Exports".  Titik was supervised by Hal Hill.  Congratulations Titik, on your achievement!



China Daily quoted Fitrian Ardiansyah's comment on the outcomes of the Rio+20.  Read Fitrian's article in EAF titled "Rio+20 and Challenges Towards Sustainable Development"


Scholars without borders



Ben Reilly convened a seminar at the Australian Embassy in Washington D.C. on the subject of “Political Reform in Australia and America: Reversing the Flow of Ideas?” on 12 July.

Professional appointments



Frank Jotzo has been appointed to the editorial advisory board of the journal Climate Policy. Climate Policy is the leading global field journal on policy-related analysis of climate change issues, accessible to a broad audience. The journal is ranked 6th out of 39 in the Public Administration category of Thomson-Reuters Journal Citations Reports, with an impact factor of 1.633.

Professional news (call for papers, conferences, etc)



Call for Papers: Governance, Deliberation and Citizen Participation in China

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Economics Research Professional Announcements

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Financial Economic Research Professional Announcements

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