Doubling Australian Aid


Event details


Date & time

Monday 07 February 2011


Molonglo Theatre, J G Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU




Christina Apps
6125 4387
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend this conference. However, early registration is essential.

To register for this event please email:
By Wednesday 2 February

These are unprecedented times for Australian aid which, after a long period of decline and stagnation, doubled between 2005 and last year, and, under the current bipartisan consensus, will double again by 2015. The Independent Review of Aid Effectiveness has been commissioned by the Government to review the first doubling, and make recommendations for the second.

The “Doubling Australian Aid” conference aims to ensure that the Review builds on the best and most recent evidence base available. The one-day conference, which will be attended by Review Panel members, will bring together the latest research on Australian aid.

Topics to be included are: the determinants of aid effectiveness; the rapidly changing aid landscape; project and country-level case studies; and the future of aid in the Pacific. Speakers include not only many of Australia’s leading aid researchers, but also a number of very experienced aid practitioners.

Aid has long suffered from both policy and research neglect in Australia. No longer. Attend this first-of-its-kind conference and be part of the new aid debate.

» view flyer [PDF, 151KB]
» view program [PDF, 138KB]

» all the latest from the conference

Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team