Beyond populism in politics and policy development: Good government in a time of uncertainty

Crawford School of Public Policy

Event details


Date & time

Wednesday 04 April 2012


Molonglo Theatre, J G Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Eric Knight, author of a new book, Reframe: How to solve the world's trickiest problems, Andrew Leigh, Labor Member for Fraser, and others


Christina Apps
02 61250178
The year has kicked off as one of great political turbulence. The storm clouds continue to gather over Europe, as its central banks look for new ways to secure the fiscal position of countries like Greece and Ireland. Across the Atlantic, the stage is set in America for a tight election. And in Australia, the government soldiers on, plagued by the leadership contest, an Opposition bent on bringing it down, and struggling to balance the interests of the Greens and the Independents.

What does it take to make good policy decisions in a world where attention spans are dwindling and political populism is on the rise? Car manufacturers are asking for subsidies. The Australian Opposition is pushing for a resolution of border protection, and the rise of foreign ownership of local land has got farmers worried. Are these legitimate problems or are they distractions from the real issues of the day? What are the principles for good government in a time of great uncertainty?

A panel of exceptional young Australian political and intellectual leaders join the panel, hosted by Paul Barclay, from the ABC:
> Eric Knight, author of a new book, Reframe: How to solve the world’s trickiest problems
> Andrew Leigh, Labor Member for Fraser
> Josh Frydenberg, Liberal Member for Kooyong, and
> Rebecca Wilson, Sydney Lord Mayor’s Office and formerly of Get Up

The Forum will be recorded and broadcast by ABC TV and ABC Radio National.

A public forum you can’t afford to miss.

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