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The First Ten K.R. Narayanan Orations book by ASARC

The First Ten K.R. Narayanan Orations

The rapidly transforming Indian economy has thrown up a number of possibilities as well as several challenges with profound implications for India’s vast population as well as globally. The K R Narayanan Oration Series at the Australia South Asia Research Centre in The Australian National University has been devoted to in-depth examination of this important issue by leading experts.

Twenty K.R. Narayanan Orations book by ASARC

Twenty K.R. Narayanan Orations

This new edition updates the volume to include all 20 orations delivered so far and provides an updated introduction. All these orations have been delivered by leading academics, scientists and policymakers deeply involved in the transformation of the Indian economy.

Content coming soon

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Vol: 2020/08 Authors: Nidhi Kaicker, Raghav Gaiha, Radhika Aggarwal Month: September Year: 2020
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Vol: 2020/07 Authors: Nidhi Kaicker, Raghav Gaiha, Radhika Aggarwal Month: September Year: 2020
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Vol: 2020/05 Authors: Abhay Kumar Jha and Raghbendra Jha Month: February Year: 2020
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Vol: 2020/04 Authors: Soumya Pal, Deepti Sharma, Durgit Kumar, Harika Sombhatla Month: February Year: 2020
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Vol: 2020/03 Authors: Ananya Talanki Month: January Year: 2020
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Vol: 2020/02 Authors: Anubhav Agarwal, Shubhangi Kumar Month: January Year: 2020