South Asia

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Economic valuation of biodiversity in South Asia: The case of Dachigam National Park in Jammu and Kashmir (India)

Biodiversity needs our attention because humans receive a wide range of direct and indirect benefits. Valuation of biodiversity is important to establish...

Urbanising the rural: reflections on India's National Rurban Mission

India’s development trajectory is marked by growing economic prosperity but high inequality, which often exacerbates the existing rural–urban divide. One...

India's approaches to the South China Sea: priorities and balances

The research inquiries into New Delhi’s current approaches to Maritime Asia regional security in general and the South China Sea from the perspective of...

Awareness about minimum support price and its impact on diversification decision of farmers in India

In this article, we have analysed farmers’ awareness about Minimum Support Price (MSP) and its impact on diversification of crops grown in India. We used...

Imagining an Indian National Security Strategy: the sum of its parts

India’s power and interests continue to grow in the Indo-Pacific region and globally, yet its national security policymaking approaches have not kept pace...

A little less conversation? Track II Dialogue and transboundary water governance

Foreign aid donors are increasingly investing in the good governance of freshwater resources in developing countries. One method used by many such...

The Sri Lankan civil war and Australia's migration policy response: a historical case study with contemporary implications

Sri Lanka’s civil war lasted almost 26 years and cost tens of thousands of lives. Since the end of the war in 2009, several thousand asylum seekers from...

Dragon versus Elephant: a comparative study of Chinese and Indian aid in the Pacific

The growing scale of development assistance programs of China and India has attracted increased global attention. Research on their aid to the Pacific...

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Updated:  1 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team