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Governance and finance: availability of community and social development infrastructures in rural China

This article studies the causes for unequal access to rural community and social development infrastructures in China. We use a dataset in the China...

Coming to terms with the authoritarian alternative: the implications and motivations of China's environmental policies

China has assumed a crucial importance in debates about climate change mitigation. On the one hand, China is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse...

Contemporary Thailand–Japan economic relations: what falling Japanese investment reveals about Thailand's deep, global competition, state in the context of shifting regional orders

This article centres on the nature of the Thai state amid a shifting global economic environment, examining it through the lens of foreign direct...

Sustainable development in four East Asian countries' agricultural sectors post-World War II: measuring nutrient balance and estimating the environmental Kuznets Curve

The purpose of this study is to measure agricultural waste and estimate the environmental Kuznets curve in four East Asian countries using time series...

Hijacking Adat recognition through the establishment of New Customary Community Council in Papua, Indonesia

Papuan supporters of the Special Autonomy Law hoped that it would become an instrument to ensure their right to equality through the respect and...

Awareness about minimum support price and its impact on diversification decision of farmers in India

In this article, we have analysed farmers’ awareness about Minimum Support Price (MSP) and its impact on diversification of crops grown in India. We used...

The limits of social protection: the case of hydropower dams and Indigenous peoples' land

Hydropower dams have been criticised for their social and environmental implications. There have been attempts to create international social standards...

Location or Hukou: what most limits fertility of urban women in China?

China’s fertility rate is below replacement level. The government is attempting to increase this rate by relaxing the one-child policy. China faces a...

Thinking about the Asian infrastructure investment bank: can a China-led development bank improve sustainability in Asia?

This article offers three arguments outlining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s significance and to help policy planners navigate the complex...

State-endorsed popular culture: a case study of the North Korean girl band Moranbong

This article examines the emergence of Moranbong as a new popular cultural phenomenon in North Korea. I am interested to examine the patron–client...


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Updated:  22 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team