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The basin by numbers: environment (chair and panel session)

Symposium, 30 September, 2015
Chair: Dr Jamie Pittock, Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University


Presentation at The Basin by Numbers: science, economics, community, environment, 30 September 2015

2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007


Pacific Island Update - HIV/AIDS in the paradise.

Pacific Island Update, 8 December 2008
PUI Part 4 Speaker: Vicki Lucker Satish Chand Christine Stewart

Pacific Island Update - Economic survey of FIJI.

Pacific Island Update, 8 December 2008
PUI Part 3.1 Speaker: Subil Kumar

Pacific Island Update - Solomons Islands and Vanuatu.

Pacific Island Update, 8 December 2008
PUI Part 3 Speaker: Rod Duncan

Pacific Island Update - State Building in the Pacific. Sinclair Dinnen

Pacific Island Update, 7 December 2008
PUI Part 2 Speaker: Jennifer Fugui Scott Dawson Bill Standish Dave Peebles

Pacific Island Update - Panel on political change across Melanesia.

Pacific Island Update, 7 December 2008
PUI Part 1 Speaker: Ben Reilly Jenny Hayward-Jones Jon Fraenkel Nicole George

The Obama election - what does it mean for the future of American politics and Australia?

Crawford School seminar series, 19 November 2008
David Brady

The causes of high food prices in world markets and their transmission into domestic economies?

Crawford School seminar series, 12 November 2008
Peter Timmer

Public Policy in an Era of Super-Systemic Risk

Crawford School seminar series, 28 October 2008
Prasanna Gai

Phoney fights: Land and development in PNG

Crawford School seminar series, 21 October 2008
Scott MacWilliam

Workers? remittances and links to financial literacy: Applications to Asian-Pacific developing countries

Crawford School seminar series, 30 September 2008
Susan Adams

What Australia should expect from the next US President

Crawford School seminar series, 18 September 2008
Geoffrey Garrett

Women's political representation and the quota in Indonesia

Crawford School seminar series, 16 September 2008
Sharon Bessell

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the Australian Resources Sector

Crawford School seminar series, 11 September 2008
Peter Drysdale

Governing the transition: the oil palm boom and its policy Dilemmas for Indonesia

Crawford School seminar series, 9 September 2008
John McCarthy

Does foreign direct investment cause more pollution in China? A simultaneous equation estimation

Crawford School seminar series, 2 September 2008
Ligang Song

Micro vs macro explanations of post-war US unemployment movements

Crawford School seminar series, 26 August 2008
Paul Oslington

Transport and Corruption in Indonesia

Crawford School seminar series, 5 August 2008
Neil McCulloch

How much corruption is there in the Pacific Islands?

Crawford School seminar series, 29 July 2008
Peter Larmour

Prime Minister of Somoa - Samoa Update

Crawford School seminar series, 18 July 2008
Honourable Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoli?ai Sa? ilele Malielegaoi

Technical change and the commons

Crawford School seminar series, 15 July 2008
Dale Squires

The NZ emissions trading scheme - why is it so bad and can Australia's be any better?

Crawford School seminar series, 10 June 2008
Richard Denniss

The education revolution and the universities

Crawford School seminar series, 3 June 2008
Glenn Withers

Political Engineering and Ethnic Politics in the Asia Pacific

Crawford School seminar series, 27 May 2008
Benjamin Reilly

Managing risk in the Murray Darling Basin

Crawford School seminar series, 20 May 2008
Daniel Connell

Emissions in the Plantinum Age: The implications of rapid development for climate change mitigation

Crawford School seminar series, 6 May 2008
Stephen Howes

Taking the Precautionary Principle Seriously

Crawford School seminar series, 22 April 2008
Alan Randall

Government biomedical RD investment pharmaceutical Innovation and longevity

Crawford School seminar series, 14 April 2008
Frank Lichtenberg

From Iraq to Tibet to Alan Greenspan: Systematic causes of the first-world dept crisis and the case for financial restructuring

Crawford School seminar series, 9 April 2008
Robert Wade

Globalisation and Sustainable Development: some thoughts and findings

Crawford School seminar series, 2 April 2008
Emma Aisbett

Water as an economic good: the role of water economics and water values in European water policy

Crawford School seminar series, 26 March 2008
Roy Brouwer

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