National Security Pod: Putting India in the Indo-Pacific

09 October 2018

On this episode of the National Security Podcast, we look at how India is managing its strategic autonomy in an increasingly contested region.

As the Indian Ocean Region becomes enmeshed in the greater Indo-Pacific architecture, how is India adjusting the way it interacts with regional actors? How is India responding to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and how has talk of receding US power impacted Indian strategic thinking? Chris Farnham talks to Darshana Baruah from Carnegie India to discuss how India sees the changing Indo-Pacific region.

Listen to the podcast here.

Darshana Baruah is an associate director with Carnegie India. Her primary research focuses on maritime security in Asia with a focus on the Indian Navy and its role in a new security architecture. She was a 2016 national parliamentary fellow, Australia, where she was associated in the office of the Hon. Ms. Teresa Gambaro MP, chair, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.

Chris Farnham is the presenter of the National Security Podcast. He joined the National Security College in June 2015 as Policy and Events Officer. His career focus has been on geopolitics with experience working in and out of China for a number of years as well as operating in Australia and Southeast Asia.

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This post and podcast were first published on, Crawford School’s platform for public policy debate, analysis, views, and discussion.

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