Crawford’s world-standard research

28 March 2019

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Professor Helen Sullivan is the Director of Crawford School of Public Policy.

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Crawford School has achieved outstanding results in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018 assessment, conducted by the Australian Research Council.

In the rigorous and academically-led ERA exercise, which is run every three years, the School was assessed as having the highest possible rating, “well above world standard”, in three broad fields of research: policy and administration, anthropology, and political science. It was also assessed as ‘above world standard’ in applied economics.

Crawford School Director Helen Sullivan said the results demonstrate the quality of research at the school.

“Crawford School is the region’s leading graduate policy school, and these results demonstrate that our research is of world-class quality,” she said.

“At Crawford, we aim to undertake world-leading research that is of public and societal benefit. Our cross-disciplinary focus offers deep and practical insights into the world’s policy challenges.

“I’m delighted that this commitment to excellence has been recognised in the latest ERA results, and congratulate all my colleagues on their outstanding work.”

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt AC said 2018’s ERA results again show the University’s exceptional strength and breadth in research.

“Today’s ERA results confirm that ANU is at the forefront of Australia’s research excellence”.

“We aim to be excellent in everything we do. I am proud that in 68 of the 71 areas we were assessed in, or 96 per cent of our research outputs, we have been rated above world standard”, Professor Schmidt said.

“Three years ago, ANU had a strong set of ERA results. Even from this high base, we have dramatically improved.”

“Today’s results also show how much great research is underway in Australia, and on behalf of ANU I congratulate our colleagues in universities across the nation for the amount of high quality research which ERA shows we all conduct”.

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