Policy Bites: tax policy

16 April 2019

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What can Australians expect from the major parties in terms of tax policy? Should they worry about Scott Morrison’s claims that Labor’s $387 billion ‘tax bomb’ will plunge the country into recession?

In this Australia Votes 2019 Policy Bite, Crawford’s Professor Robert Breunig looks at how resilient Australia’s economy really is, and how the country might sustain economic stability in the future. He also sheds light on the different tax policies of the Coalition and the Labor party, and what voters need to make their minds up about before casting their vote on 18 May. Listen here.

Robert Breunig is a Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. He conducts research in three main areas: economics of the household; empirical industrial organisation; and statistical and econometric theory.

This podcast is part of Policy Forum’s Australian Election coverage, and published in partnership with The Australian National University.

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