Crawford launches new charity fundraising initiative

02 May 2019

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Professor Helen Sullivan is the Director of Crawford School of Public Policy.

Crawford School has announced a new charity fundraising initiative aimed at raising money for Canberra and region charities working with the community.

Speaking at the launch of the School’s Strategic Plan on Thursday 2 May, School Director Professor Helen Sullivan told a crowd of more than 250 that the initiative would connect the school with the local community and raise essential funds to support the charities’ works. The charities chosen as recipients of the fundraising for the first year of the project are Women with Disabilities in the ACT and the Early Morning Centre.

“Today, on this special occasion, I’m delighted to share with you some special news,” she said.

“Crawford School is a well-known part of the Canberra community, and we draw many students from the territory, particularly from the public service. The School has established links with policymakers, parliament, and many international NGOs.

“Our new Strategic Plan highlights the importance of building capacity and improving outcomes at individual, institutional and societal levels, and deepening our relationships with communities, including the Canberra community.

“As scholars and teachers, we spend much of our time examining how we can solve some of Australia’s, the region’s and even the world’s most significant challenges.

“Our scholarship is informed by evidence and deep understanding.

“But the Crawford way is not to simply know – but to do. And to empower action with knowledge.

“This is why we are keen to act. This is why we must contribute.

“These are the type of powerful partnerships that our School and our community not only firmly believe in and support – but which help make a difference in some small way for our community and the wider world.

“Over the last few weeks, we asked staff to tell us about charities doing good work in Canberra that might benefit from our support. Over 20 charities were nominated: charities that undertake essential work in the greater Canberra community, that draw volunteers from staff at Crawford School, and that are available to provide support to our students in a range of areas.

“From those nominations, we have chosen two charities who we, as a school, as a body of scholars, staff and students, will work closely with over the next year - raising funds for them, raising their profile, and supporting their work through our significant public events program.

“I’m delighted to announce today that those charities are Women with Disabilities in the ACT and the Early Morning Centre.

“Women with Disabilities in the ACT are an advocacy and peer support organisation for women, girls, feminine-identifying and non-binary people with a disability in the ACT region. They provide essential support to more than 32,000 women with a disability in the region. I’m pleased that we have been joined this evening by Women with Disabilities in the ACT Chief Executive Officer Clare Moore. Hello Clare.

“The Early Morning Centre on Northbourne Avenue provides support to Canberra’s homeless, providing a warm, safe space where people can enjoy a free breakfast and access support, office facilities and referral services. According to the last census, around 1600 Canberrans do not have a home to return to on any given night. The Early Morning Centre plays an essential role in supporting people at very difficult times in their lives. I’m pleased that we have been joined tonight by the Early Morning Centre’s Director Nicole Wiggins. Hello Nicole.

“As a School, we are delighted to be working with them over the next year, and look forward to raising as much money as we can to support their activities. Indeed, I would ask you all to also show your support for their essential work - both organisations have display tables here tonight, will be happy to talk to you about their work, and even happier to take any donations you might make - please give generously.”

If you’d like to find about more about their work and donate to Women with Disabilities ACT go to:

If you’d like to find out more about their work and donate to the Early Morning Centre go to:

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