It’s about staying connected: Meet Vicki Veness

29 May 2020

Crawford School introduces our fantastic staff, so you can get to meet the people of Asia and the Pacific’s leading graduate policy school.

This time around, we speak to the Manager of the Professional Development and Internships Program, Vicki Veness, about what keeps her motivated at work, and why it’s important to have people who make you laugh in a time of crisis.

What’s your role at Crawford and what do you enjoy most about it?

My current role is Manager of the Professional Development and Internships Program. I really enjoy working with our marvellous students and supporting them in their work-integrated learning activities. I also get to work with extraordinary colleagues, Michael Di Francesco and Alison Cumming Thom, who keep me feeling energised and excited about this portfolio. Students, if you are reading this, 2021 is going to be amazing for those wanting to participate in experiential courses and opportunities.

What do you enjoy most about working from home/what do you miss most?

The quiet and slowness has come as quite a surprise to me, and how well I have adapted to it. I have really enjoyed being at home with my family and dogs – again another surprise! The thing I have missed the most is face-to-face meetings and catch-ups with my friends and colleagues.

Can you tell us about a feel-good dish that you or someone in your family makes during difficult times?

Tomato and cucumber curry. A dish that my late mum used to make for me, and my husband made it his mission to perfect it, and he has. Everyone in our house loves this dish.

If you could go back and choose a different career path, what would it be?

If no talent is required, a musician and singer. If talent is required, full-time animal advocacy and welfare.

Can you give us your top three tips about how to stay positive during the COVID-19 crisis?

Find something that brings you joy, for me that is playing the guitar and singing like nobody can hear. Stay connected with people you care about and who make you laugh. Good wine. You can have it delivered directly to your door, nothing further needs to be said.

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Updated:  13 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team