George Fitzgibbon

Meet our students: George Fitzgibbon

05 October 2016

George, an environmental professional based in Brisbane, was inspired to study the Master of Environmental Management and Development after travelling extensively in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka.

During his travels he became deeply interested in the connection between environmental degradation and poverty.

“I became curious about the role environmental management can play in alleviating poverty. I wanted my studies to explore social impacts, not just technical analysis. So this course was a beautiful marriage of my two interests,” says George.

A stand-out online course for George has been learning about international water conflicts.

“One of the main questions raised in the course is how we can balance the need for water security infrastructure (like large dams) and how to minimise the resulting social and environmental impacts”.

“I really enjoyed the weekly case studies and the ability to choose my own research topic for the major assignment. In a recent assignment, I looked at gender inequality challenges in water resource management in the rural mid-hills of Nepal,” says George.

He says one of the best aspects of the course is seeing issues through different lenses.

“I have enjoyed the discussions with the other members of the online student community. There’s always a range of different people with varied experience and viewpoints. For example, we have students working for NGOs in Bangkok and Bangladesh, public servants in Canberra Government departments, international students from developing countries – everyone brings a new perspective.”

“My teachers have vast knowledge of developing countries and offer up interesting case studies from their research and lived experience - which is a great way to learn” says George.

Looking to the future, George would like take his experience and studies to a developing country to improve evironmental practices.

He says it’s a small but practical way he hopes to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Are you looking to advance your skills in environmental policy, management or governance but don’t have the flexibility to attend class while working full time?

You can now study the Master of Environment Management and Development from afar. The online degree gives you the flexibility to study when and where you want. Find out more.

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Updated:  14 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team