Podcast: Katherine Trebeck – What makes a good life?

23 September 2019

Episode Summary

On this week’s episode of Policy Forum Pod, we discuss what people need to live a good life, and how we can ensure that everyone reaps the benefits of economic growth.

Episode Notes

Economic growth has brought great prosperity to people in developed nations, but with it also comes great challenges. From debt, inequality and climate change to troubling politics all around the globe, our societies are facing strong headwinds. In a climate like this, how can policymakers ensure that everyone benefits from growth and can live a good life?

On this week’s Policy Forum Pod, we talk to Katherine Trebeck about her new book The Economics of Arrival, and how to bridge the gap between what communities really need and what politicians currently deliver.

Together with Katherine, pod presenters Sharon Bessell and Martyn Pearce also discuss waste management and recycling, language teaching, and look at some of your suggestions for future podcasts. Listen here.

Katherine Trebeck is the Policy and Knowledge lead at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, which works to amplify the work of others in the movement for a wellbeing economy. Her book The Economics of Arrival was published in January 2019.

Sharon Bessell is a Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, where she is co-leader of the ANU Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) team. The IDM is a new, gender-sensitive and multidimensional measure of poverty.

Martyn Pearce is a presenter for Policy Forum Pod and the Editor of Policy Forum.

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