A time for bigger changes: Meet Elise Klein

07 July 2020

Crawford introduces our fantastic staff, so you can meet the people of Asia and the Pacific’s leading graduate policy school.

This time, we hear from Dr Elise Klein who joined Crawford School late last year as Senior Lecturer of Public Policy. Elise tells us about why economic insecurity around the world is growing, and why policymakers must break through political cycles to turn this trend around.

Why did you choose to work at Crawford School?

The opportunity to work with brilliant colleagues and students.

Can you tell us a bit more about how your research matters today?

My research looks at various aspects of global and national economic (in)security. I am interested in how policy can mitigate insecurity, and unfortunately, how it can enhance insecurity. This matters because we are seeing in Australia and other parts of the global North an increase in economic insecurity as full employment becomes harder to achieve. The impacts of this is disproportionately felt by First Nations people and women, among others. I also look at how our social security system is not really prepared to deal with these challenges, and also how it can be improved.

What do you believe is the biggest challenge to effective policy-making nowadays?

Policymakers need to go beyond political cycles and tinkering around the edges of policy ideas and make bigger structural changes. This includes honouring First Nations sovereignty, and reworking the economy so it is more redistributive and caring, and dramatically less ecologically damaging.

Can you tell us about a feel-good dish that you or someone in your family makes in stressful times?

Any of my husband’s delicious vegan Persian dishes!

Can you give us your top tips about how to stay positive during the COVID-19 outbreak?

I think it is entirely normal to feel low during COVID-19 – it is a wake-up call to how insecure ‘modern life’ can be. Still, I think connecting with loved ones (even if it’s online), and taking a walk in the bush helps.

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Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team